10-16-2023 06:26 AM
I'm installing Alfresco digital workspace(ADW) and I ran the following command:
npm start content-ee
and I received the following error:
strict mode: "items" is 1-tuple, but minItems or maxItems/additionalItems are not specified or different
error: /home/etic/Desktop/Alfresco/app/.tmp/app.config.json: Unexpected token $ in JSON at position 399
And when I run npm start content-ee, the following line is added to my app.config.json file automatically inside "plugins":
inside the object "plugins", That is, after executing the command, the plugins object looks like this:
"plugins": { "aosPlugin": true, "contentService": true, "folderRules": ${APP_CONFIG_PLUGIN_FOLDER_RULES}, }
npm start content-eeappears automatically.
04-11-2024 07:35 PM
I have the same issue.
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