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Forum Posts

User and group management for "non-admins"

Hello,We would like to provide certain users access to the "Users and groups" interfaces in "Admin Tools" in Share without granting them access the other tools, like Search Manager, Category Manager, Replication jobs... So, they should have access wi...

pkhazzaka by Champ on-the-rise
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duplicate version row in ACT_RE_PROCDEF

I am using activiti 5.22.0 with springboot 4.2.xI am seeing ocassionally that a dupe rows with same version for a process def exists in ACT_RE_PROCDEF table causing the application to not load at all.Is this a known issue? thanks

nmorado by Champ on-the-rise
  • 7 replies
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Resolved! How to hide or remove to CheckInOut.exe,ShowDetails.exe?

I installed alfresco-community 201605 to linux(CentOs7) Server.I try to CIFS function then I see _CheckInOut.exe and _ShowDetails.exe each folders from Client PC of windows7.but I do'nt want to see these files so I was look into how to hidden or remo...

shosho by Champ on-the-rise
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Adding new subsystem on Community 5.2

Newbie question:How adding new subsystem on Community 5.2 ?I edited mimetypes-extension-map file.<alfresco-config area="mimetype-map">    <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Mimetype Map">        <mimetypes>                 <mimetype mimety...

ffd4229 by Champ on-the-rise
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not able to search files/folder using ampersand(&)

I am trying to search files using ampersand.I have created a file with name "abc & xyz" on a fresh installation of alfresco, I am trying to search the file but it is not considering ampersand.I am able to search with 'abc' or 'abc*' because i...

Resolved! Sort Site Members by Surname not name on site dashboard

Hi i want to order member of the site on the site dashboard by the surname/name instead of the name/surname like set by default from alfresco.i found  the script site-members.js to customize for sort by surname instead name, i just change the default...