I have been getting to grips with Alfresco over the last few weeks, and in particular the differences / features offered by the "vanilla" Alfresco system and the WCM component.
I need to create custom XML content to model a particular business application. Initially I thought the best way to do this was by creating a custom model with custom content types, associations and aspects as described in the Data Dictionary section of the Wiki.
However on looking into the WCM component further I see it supports custom XML content types via XForms and .xsd's. My target application is web based and users will need to create and enter data for instances of my custom data types.
Do custom content types created via XForms in the WCM end up getting added as a custom Model in the main Alfresco repository / config?
If you create a custom model in the Data Dictionary can you then use the XForms component in the WCM to create forms for populating the data in your custom types?
Apologies if I have missed something obvious here, but I'm not clear on the most appropriate way to go forward on this (custom content type in custom model, or custom content type via XForms in WCM, or a combination of both!).