Here is my problem:
I've created a new workflow in Alfresco 3.2r. This workflow has been deployed in production and is being used (there are instances of this workflow).
Today I want to change that workflow. I have to make modifications directly in the workflow definition (adding JavaScript code in a task for example) but also in the data model (and associated parameters) of workflow tasks (eg adding/removing properties to a task type of my workflow).
Til now, when I am in this situation, I remove the current definition of the workflow and then deploy the new workflow definition and all associated conf.
DOing that, i'm losing all running instances of the workflow ; I would like to avoid that now.
In the Alfresco Developer Guide, I've seen that changes in the workflow definition can be properly managed by Alfresco. If we redeploy a definition of the workflow, Alfresco creates a new version of that definition, the old instances of workflow will continue following the old definition of the workflow and the new instances will follow the new version of the workflow definition.
Now, is there a way to properly manage the changes that are made to a type corresponding to a task of our workflow?
For example:
- In version 1.0 of the workflow, the task type "exampleTask" has a property "Property1".
- In version 1.1 of the workflow, the task type "exampleTask" has a property "property2" and a property "property3". The property "Property1" has been deleted.
In this case, my solution would be to duplicate "exampleTask" type ? I would keep the "exampleTask " type (with a property "Property1") and create a new type "exampleTaskBis" with a property "property2" a property "property3".
This solution requires that I duplicate :
- the types corresponding to the tasks that I want to modify
- and also all the associated parameters (PropertySheet associated with these types).
Is there a better solution ?
I hope I was clear enough in the explanations.
Thank you for your help on this topic.