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Where to put custom dashlet files

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I needed to create a variation on the docsummary dashlet (Recent documents). Rather than overriding it, I decided to leave the "standard" dashlet available and create my own "custom" version. Having read through the documentation and various posts on the topic I have managed that and I have put the "custom" dashlet files in the directories with all the other "standard" dashlets because that is what all the posts I have found say you should do. The dashlet loads and displays as I expect it to.

My question is simply; is it right to put "custom" dashlets in the same directories as the "standard" dashlets or should they be put in the extension directories as you would do if it were an override?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Pust everything except client side javascript and css in extension (web-extension/site-webscripts/…) directory. And put client side js and css files into tomcat/webapps/share/components/YOUR_FOLDER/dashlets/myDashlet .

YOUR_FOLDER is optional but it is good to have a seperated folder for your files and put everythign regarding client side js and css there.

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
There is no "right" place. The main reason for the "web-extension" directory is that it is referenced before the other locations under the "alfresco" directory which enables the standard Alfresco webscripts and Surf configuration files to be overridden. If your dashlet does not clash (i.e. the WebScript does not have the same name) with the standard dashlet then there is no problem placing it alongside the standard Alfresco dashlets.
