It is 29 sep 09. Okay, I'm eager to try Alfresco, but getting frustrated – probably due to my own lack of ignorance. I tried Alfresco about three years ago and had a bit of difficulty installing but finally got it going under Windows. Now I'm running Ubuntu and want to try that. I downloaded Alfresco-Community-3.2-Linux-x86-install; but I'm a business person, not a techie; so what do I do next? (If I try to launch it, I get an error message "there is no application for this file type.) I browsed several sites looking for instructions, all of which seem far more technical than I want to get. So after a few hours I decided to try the Windows version (I have both XP and Ubuntu on the same notebook). I downloaded that and to my pleasant surprise it (finally) installed. I launched, and it "worked"; so I COULD explore there; but it is horribly slow (takes 20 minutes after launch to get to a login point, and over a minute to return the Company Home page). I'm not sure Alfresco is the problem, but this is too painful to continue. So I'd like to try Linux again; but is that x86-Install file only for RedHat, or will it work with Ubuntu 8.04? And most importantly, what do I do with (how do I execute) the Install file? Make it really simple, please. I know how to go to terminal mode and issue basic commands, but I'm not a Linux guru. Here's hoping there's really simple answer and I'm just steps away from using Alfresco under Linux. BTW, the whole motivation behind this is to learn about the product so I can promote it at work as an ECM that is sorely needed. Thanks.
PS–a couple hours after the above post…..I found I had to make the Install file executable (right click and change a property) and it launched, ran, and completed within minutes. Now, how to start Alfresco? I have a dropdown under applications, but the only choice is to uninstall. I know have a new folder at /home/[myusername]/Alfresco; should it be somewhere else? If I browse to localhost:8080/alfresco, I get a page not found. MySQL shows a 'Alfresco' database, but it has no tables. Seems like something more needs to happen. Stumped again. What's next?