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Where is Records Management in 3.3?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have installed the 3.3 on windows, selected RM in the install steps. 
I then went to add the Dashlet and do not see anything that looks like RM?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Installed 3.3 CE on Win2008 and i too, cannot find the dashlet for RM.

I did a custom install and made sure everything was selected. Attempted a manual install (running Tomcat). Uninstalled 3.3 and reinstalled. Still nothing. Tried manual install again. Tried different things in Share like create groups and spaces searching for a dashlet to let me in.

The RM space is there but that doesnt appear to provide me with anything useful.

Any suggestions? Need any specific data from me?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
As stated in this other thread, this issue should have a little more attention.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
To view RM dashlet in Alfresco Share(http://localhost:8080/share), I did following steps and it is working:
a) I have installed Alfresco-Community-3.3-Full-Setup.exe by choosing Custom installation in the wizard rather than Typical. In Custom installation, RM is selected by default. The records management is included in the modules list, which we can verify by log in to Alfresco Explorer(http://localhost:8080/Alfresco) and we can see Record Management space in Company Home->Data Dictionary.
b) By default, RM does not appear as a dashlet in Alfresco Share, we need to perform the steps outlined in Alfresco Community Edition 3.3 Release Notes (😞
—1) Stop the Alfresco Tomcat server
—2) From the DOS command line install the DOD amp using the following command:
—–java -jar c:\Alfresco\bin\alfresco-mmt.jar install c:\Alfresco\amps-share\alfresco-dod5015-share.amp c:\Alfresco\tomcat\webapps\share.war
—–Note: If you have not installed Alfresco to the default location (c:\Alfresco) you will have to adjust the above paths as appropriate.
—3) Delete he existing deployed Share application directory: c:\alfresco\tomcat\webapps\share
—4) Start the Alfresco Tomcat server.
c) Now go to Alfresco Share, you would see RM dashlet available to add.