where does activity v5.19 store bpmn20.xml Model files?
I run locally w/ mysql. I am creating a new model, and it persists it thru tomcat re-boots.
But for the life of me, I cannot find the xml representation of what I've created, either in mysql, or the file system.
And yet, the graphical data persists (i.e. the BPMN DI data)
Since I don't see it in mysql (although it stores a record for the model), I expect to see it somewhere on my C: drive
in a file called *.bmpn20.xml
But no luck.
What am I missing?
I am using Activiti Explorer v5.19 (which appears to include the Alfresco Modeler), and creating a new model, which does persist thru re-boots, but I cannot find the file anywhere.