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What skills required for getting placed in Alfresco Customiz

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi All
If any one wants to get himself recruited as developer of Alfresco Customization( Alfresco Share + Works flows). What are the skills he need to master. What are the technologies which can make him in demand. I know ALfresco is based on J2EE,Hibernate, so experienced in this area will be good, other than J2EE technologies,  what all other technologies or frame work he should master
Hope this is the right forum for me to post or should I post this in Alfresco general discussion
Joseph John

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

I moved your topic out of the "Jobs & Projects" area because you were not specifically seeking or recruiting for a job.

To answer your question, it really depends on what kind of projects you want to work on. If you want to do Share customizations, you should know:
  • Server-side JavaScript

  • Client-side JavaScript. Familiarity with YUI is a plus.

  • FreeMarker

  • Basic RESTful concepts

  • Alfresco Web Scripts

  • Basic understanding of Spring Surf
Java may also come into play, but you already have that on your list.

For workflows, I'd say it helps if you've worked with any other workflow engine before. JavaScript and Java are also helpful here.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Thanks Jeff
The projects which I have in mind, is
A project in which users can list all the completed work flows and their history
A project in which users can list all the comments in a document or a folder or a site

I am concentrating on doing the above, so that I could prove myself as Developer of Alfresco Customization.