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What are workspace and spacestore in the url ?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hello Everyone,

While trying to get the list of tags from the alfresco, I was able to do so by using the below url.

http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/api/tags/workspace/SpacesStore?alf_ticket=(Appending my auth ticket)

My question here is that are the workspace and SpaceStore in the above url are always constant or are they dependent on the environment/machine etc and vary ?
If they vary, can some one help me how I can get them ?

I am looking for this information as I am integrating my java application with Alfresco and wondering if I can declare them as constant in the url.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Yes you can probably define them as constants.

The detail is complicated and perhaps is overdue for an overhaul. There are multiple stores within alfresco, for example there is also a "system" store. However all the data you care about is probably in the workspace/SpacesStore.  Some of the interfaces like CMIS are hard-coded to only access that store so it's a known small issue that needs looking at some point.