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What about space names?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

After installation of a language pack I have got UI containing a mixture of two languages. The problem are space names. Names of objects like "Company Home", "Guest Home", “Data Dictionaryâ€

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi I have the same problem,
See screenshot:

the strings in question are configured in the files "alfresco/messages/" and "". When I change settings in these files, nothing happens, however. my lines are

spaces.company_home.description=The company root space (org)
spaces.company_home.description=The company root space (US)

I will check with JIRA on this.

Regards, Norgan

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

The names of those spaces are indeed configured in and it's variants, however these are only used when populating the folder structure when Alfresco is first run. Therefore changing the content of these files afterwards will have no effect.

You can however, rename most of these pre-populated spaces such as Company Home and Data Dictionary in the web client quite easily. It's worth mentioning that since 2.1 we support multiple languages on many of the common properties such as cm:title and cm:description, but unfortunately not cm:name - presumably because this would cause problems elsewhere.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Will,
You can however, rename most of these pre-populated spaces such as Company Home and Data Dictionary in the web client quite easily.
Ok, I checked this out and have some followup questions :

  • There are globes besides the "file name" and the "description", meaning that the Name cannot be translated into different languages - is that a bug or a feature ?
  • The "name" is used to be displayd in H1 format above the spaces - and exactly this string should be translatable - I can care less about the filename for the gui. Is this something for JIRA ?
  • The navigator pane on the left uses the translation from the language packages, even changing the "Company Home" Name of the "Company Home" Tab. Is this area used so seldomly out in the productive field ? Otherwise, I would suggest to make this "Special Space" adjust its lable to comply with the navigator. I guess, that belings in Jira as well :-?

  • Norgan

    Champ in-the-making
    Champ in-the-making
    It is a pity that upon installation, the user is given no choice of locale:
    the Alfresco installation detects the Locale of the computer (windows systems), and just goes on installing.
    Afterwards it is no longer possible to correct the situation.

    I performed the installation on a computer with a DE-locale.
    However, I wanted to install in English, but I still cannot figure out when I got a change to choose a locale
    during the installation.

    Afterwards, changing space names does not help in all cases … "Firmen Arbeitsberich" is still around on the screen.

    It would be certainly a great idea to leave this choice to the user.

    Star Contributor
    Star Contributor

    You're right that the system does start up using the default locale. However, you can change this locale by setting the user.language and user.region variables in your JAVA_OPTS environment variable. For example, to force an install in US English, add the following to the end of the JAVA_OPTS line in your alfresco.bat or startup file.


    This assumes that the system is being started using these files. If you're starting Alfresco via some other means (e.g. as a Windows service) then you'll probably need to set your global JAVA_OPTS instead.

    Almost all strings in the application are sourced from either the message bundles or the content properties. If you still see "Firmen Arbeitsberich" on the screen then either you have not renamed the space, you are logged in in German or something is wrong with your language packs.


  • AFAIK the name property is not intended to be translated as it must always be unique - this cannot be guaranteed if multiple languages are supported.
  • Therefore, you cannot provide multiple values for the name, but you can still change it.
  • Both the navigator 'section heading' and the top toolbar use the company_home message string from, so they are consistent. These labels may or may not be the same as the actual file name of the Company Home space, displayed in the contents of the navigation and in the space browser - depending on which language the user is logged in as - but I do not believe this is a bug.

  • Cheers,

    Champ in-the-making
    Champ in-the-making
    I just verified the initial sequence (I had to re-initialise the repository anyway) and that does it!
    Good for testing of language packs.
    Thank you for this useful reply.


    Champ in-the-making
    Champ in-the-making
    Hello Will,
    thanks for the answers. I am not sure yet if I am happy with that in a multi-lingo environment, but currently I dont need that 🙂

    I will have to do some experimenting. I also have seen some things like changing the property "name" is not noticed everywhere, e.g. with the breadcrumbs.


    Champ in-the-making
    Champ in-the-making

    The -Duser.language and -Duser.region trick doesn't seem to work anymore with Labs 3 ? It worked fine with 2.9 though.
    Did Labs 3 introduce a configuration parameter for this ?



    Champ in-the-making
    Champ in-the-making
    After having read this topic, I realize that it is not possible to rename the homespace name of a user, isn't it ?

    PS :

    Indeed, I saw in the source code of (method createHomeSpace(…)) the creation of a node which QNAme contains the home space name. … and this is not possible to change the QName ? (method createHomeSpace(…))

    // space does not exist already, create a new Space under it with
             // the specified name
             String qname = QName.createValidLocalName(spaceName);
             ChildAssociationRef assocRef = this.getNodeService().createNode(parentRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS,
                   QName.createQName(NamespaceService.SYSTEM_MODEL_1_0_URI, qname), ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER);
