01-29-2009 02:50 PM
<import resource="/Company Home/Data Dictionary/Scripts/burris-common.js">
<import resource="/Company Home/Data Dictionary/Scripts/exclusion-set.js">
function transportation_dailyTasks() {
function checkExpires() {
// records that are burris, are expireable, aren't superceded, aren't terminated
var results = search.luceneSearch("TYPE:\""+BURRIS_DOC_TYPE+"\" +ASPECT:\""+EXPIREABLE_ASPECT+"\" -ASPECT:\""+SUPERCEDED_ASPECT+"\" -ASPECT:\""+TERMINATED_ASPECT+"\"");
var expireds = findExpiredRecords(results);
function findExpiredRecords(results) {
var found = new Array();
// find the docs that are expired and store according to group responsible so that they get one email with all the expirations
for each(var result in results) {
// files that are sitting at the facility-level are unfiled and not approve yet, ignore them
if(result.parent.parent.name == "Transportation") continue;
var properties = result.properties;
var expirationDate = properties[EXPIRATION_DATE];
var now = new Date();
var groupEntry = found[result.properties[GROUP_RESPONSIBLE]];
if(!groupEntry) {
groupEntry = new Array();
groupEntry["group"] = result.properties[GROUP_RESPONSIBLE];
found[result.properties[GROUP_RESPONSIBLE]] = groupEntry;
var entry = new Array();
entry["file"] = result.name;
var difference = getDayDifference(expirationDate, now);
if(difference <= 0) {
result.properties[EXPIRED] = true;
entry["isExpired"] = true;
} else if(difference <= 30) {
entry["isExpired"] = false;
return found;
function sendExpiredNotifications(results) {
for each(var group in results) {
// the only reason a file won't have a group is if it hasn't been approved yet
if(group["group"] && !group["group"].match(/_x0020_/)) {
var users = people.getMembers(people.getGroup(group["group"]));
for each(var p in users) {
if (!p.properties.email || p.properties.email == " ") {
var mail = actions.create("mail");
mail.parameters.to = p.properties.email;
mail.parameters.from = "Burris Alfresco <noreply@burrislogistics.com>";
mail.parameters.subject = "Results from Alfresco Expiration Check";
mail.parameters.text = "Hello " + p.properties.firstName + ",\r\n\r\n";
mail.parameters.text += "This is an automated email, the result of an ";
mail.parameters.text += "Alfresco Expiring Record check. The results are ";
mail.parameters.text += "listed below.\r\n\r\n";
var hasFiles = false;
for each(var item in group) {
if (!item["file"]) continue;
hasFiles = true;
mail.parameters.text += " * " + item["file"] + ": ";
mail.parameters.text += item["isExpired"] ? "expired" : "expiring in less than 30 days";
mail.parameters.text += "\r\n";
mail.parameters.text += "\r\n";
mail.parameters.text += "Please login to Alfresco (" + ALFRESCO_URL + ") ";
mail.parameters.text += "to update these documents.\r\n\r\n";
mail.parameters.text += "Thank you.";
if(hasFiles) {
appendLog( mail.parameters.text );
else {
appendLog("These items have a Group Name that does not behave:");
for each(var item in group) {
if(item["file"] == undefined) continue;
appendLog(" * " + item["file"]);
01-29-2009 04:56 PM
01-30-2009 09:56 AM
01-30-2009 11:07 AM
02-04-2009 04:14 PM
02-05-2009 04:32 AM
02-09-2009 01:04 PM
02-09-2009 01:47 PM
How the daily is triggered? Perhaps it runs as guest user?
By design the index is cutting the result list.
02-09-2009 01:49 PM
Is it possible to do a hibernate query from the Javascript API? A quick google search did not turn up much.
02-09-2009 05:18 PM
It is not "index" (I guess you meant Lucene query) which is cutting result list but rather acl evaluation.
Number of hits returned from Lucene is correct
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