First thought: split up the examples into separate maven modules per dependencies. That would enable us to show more clearly and precise our dependencies to our users: naked pvm examples these deps, engine examples these dependencies, with spring, these dependencies, same for cxf, mule, rules etc
We could document how our downloaders could
1) do a mvn dependency:tree so that they can see the whole tree of transitive dependencies (as in mvn)
2) do a mvn copy to download all the dependencies to a local directory
I am a bit concerned that splitting up the examples into many modules would slow down the developer check build since we have to run that build before every commit.
Also I see an implication for users setting up their eclipse projects based on these poms. Either they have to install the eclipse-mvn plugin. Or they have to run some command first to download the libs to some local dir.
We could include mvn distro inside our distro (it's 2.7MB). That might simplify things.
Still not clear if this is the way to go. I think we should keep a very close eye to usability from the perspective of the downloader. From our perspective as Activiti developers, it's easy to overlook the steps and hoops that our users have to go through when they want to try it out and learn about it.