11-07-2005 11:33 AM
11-07-2005 11:37 AM
If you just download the source code and run the build the war it has some problems:
It loads fine but when you hit the site/app .. you get nothing. I'm using tomcat. Old versions of the source build and deploy fine.
I'm going to dig around for this… but I wanted to put it out there incase others know what the deal is.
11-07-2005 11:47 AM
If you just download the source code and run the build the war it has some problems:
It loads fine but when you hit the site/app .. you get nothing. I'm using tomcat. Old versions of the source build and deploy fine.
I'm going to dig around for this… but I wanted to put it out there incase others know what the deal is.
If I force the app to load a faces page (browse.jsp) I get
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to read TLD "META-INF/c.tld" from JAR file "file:/C:/rdanner/servers/appservers/tomcat/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib/standard.jar": org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Failed to load or instantiate TagLibraryValidator class: org.apache.taglibs.standard.tlv.JstlCoreTLV
I assume there are some jar files making it in to the deployment that should not or that are getting tangled with tomcat?
11-08-2005 04:35 AM
11-08-2005 08:48 AM
Hi Russ,
I have downloaded the source bundle and tried building it here and it all appear to be OK.
The following line is defined in common.properties which lists the JARs to be excluded from the WEB-INF/lib folder:webinf.lib.excludes=ant.jar,axis-ant.jar,jsp.jar,servlet.jar,junit.jar,mysql-connector*.jar,spring-mock.jar,tlddoc.jar,yguard.jar
The eventually gets used in projects/web-client/project-build.xml when building the WAR file.
Have you altered any of the ant scripts at all, as it may be that the property is not being found and therefore all JARs are being included?
11-09-2005 04:35 AM
<echo>webinf.lib.excludes.tomcat = $webinf.lib.excludes.tomcat</echo>
11-09-2005 08:41 AM
The target that builds the WAR file in the web-client project is using an Ant Macro (new feature of 1.6.x) where you can basically "template" some script. The @ is used for passing parameters.
If you look at project.properties in the web-client folder you'll see the properties "webinf.lib.excludes.tomcat" and "webinf.lib.excludes.jboss". The @ sign is basically replaced by either "tomcat" or "jboss" when the macro is called, which in turn uses the appropriate property.
I hope that makes sense!
Anyway, it may be that something around this area is not being resolved. You could try putting the following in the ant script to see if the property has anything meaningful in it:<echo>webinf.lib.excludes.tomcat = $webinf.lib.excludes.tomcat</echo>
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