08-11-2011 08:47 AM
08-11-2011 09:06 AM
08-11-2011 10:00 AM
When a user first enters Share they are presented the user dashboard. There is a Sites dashlet that can be added to that page that will list the sites which they can already access. Just use the customize button on that page to add the dashlet to the page.this i know, but thanks!
08-11-2011 10:08 AM
08-17-2011 06:51 AM
Perhaps create a custom dashlet based on the OOTB My Sites dashlet. I would modify the controller/html to substitute your site specific graphic image for the default globe. Hope that helps.HI Steve, thanks for this replay.
08-18-2011 05:18 AM
08-18-2011 08:41 AM
08-22-2011 06:15 AM
sitePreset: '${site.sitePreset?js_string}',
shortName: '${site.shortName?js_string}',
title: '${site.title?js_string}',
description: '${site.description?js_string}',
isFavourite: ${site.isFavourite?string},
<#if imapServerEnabled>isIMAPFavourite: ${site.isIMAPFavourite?string},</#if>
isSiteManager: ${site.isSiteManager?string}
<div id="page_x002e_component-1-2_x002e_user_x007e_admin_x007e_dashboard">
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
new Alfresco.dashlet.MySites("page_x002e_component-1-2_x002e_user_x007e_admin_x007e_dashboard").setOptions(
imapEnabled: false,
sites: [
sitePreset: 'site-dashboard',
shortName: 'test',
title: 'test',
description: '',
isFavourite: true,
isSiteManager: true
sitePreset: 'site-dashboard',
shortName: 'test2',
title: 'test2',
description: '',
isFavourite: true,
isSiteManager: true
}).setMessages({"label.noSites": "No sites to display", "filter.favSites": "Favorite Sites ", "link.deleteSite": "Delete", "header.mySites": "My Sites", "filter.docWorkspaces": "Document Workspaces ", "filter.meetWorkspaces": "Meeting Workspaces ", "link.createSite": "Create Site", "filter.all": "All Sites", "message.siteFavourite.failure": "The favorite setting for the site could not be saved", "link.imap_favouriteSite": "Mark or unmark site as IMAP favorite", "filter.sites": "Sites ", "link.favouriteSite": "Mark or unmark site as favorite"});
new Alfresco.widget.DashletResizer("page_x002e_component-1-2_x002e_user_x007e_admin_x007e_dashboard", "page.component-1-2.user~admin~dashboard");
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