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Upgrade from Community 4.0.b to 4.0.c fails

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am having a problem upgrading from 4.0.b to 4.0.c.   I used the installer to create a new instance. Copied over Alf_Data.   When I startup,  all of my Categories have disappeared.   There are some others errors as well but I thought I would just start with the simple issue.  I suspect the schema changed and was not updated.

Has anyone tried this?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi cfox570,

only copying over the alf_data folder does not to the trick. I strictly followed the alfresco wiki here:

I actually still use lucene, since I had no time and motivation to switch over 20 gb of PDF's to solr.
This should be taken care of within the new configuration file of 4.0c CE.

This is my simple "upgrade plan". This worked for me on Windows 7 Prof. x64 aswell as for my ubuntu machine.

  • Safe folder alf_data from dir.root

  • Backup database (in my case postgresql)

  • Rename old installation folder

  • Install fresh copy of Alfresco 4.0c into the old installation folder (mandatory for me due to some of my external scripts)

  • Start and check the Installation

  • Stop alfresco service

  • Restore database

  • Rename alf_data in new dir.root

  • Copy previous alf_data folder to new alfresco dir.root/alf_data

  • Enable lucene again in alfresco.properies

  • Start alfreso service
This is not an explanation en detail, but it should give you a clue where to start from and where to go.

Good luck!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for your note Florian.

When looking at the directory, it seems that dir. root is alf_data.  And that the PostGresSql database files are located in this directory.   So copying this directory seems to me to be "restoring the backup". 

I am not clear how your procedure is different.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I had a problem upgrading from 4.0.a to 4.0.b which may shed some light on this problem.
I installed the new version the substituted my previous alf_data directory, which in my setup had the contentstores, the postgresql data and the solr data

The postgresql.conf file in
refers to an absolute path for the 'unix_socket_directory'

unix_socket_directory = '/var/home/loc/alfresco-4.0.b/postgresql'

when I just copied the 'alf_data' directory to the upgraded directory, the the postgresql pointed to the wrong place and postgresql didn't start.
Also I needed to fix the path in alf_data/postgresql/postmaster.opts.
(if you dumped the postgresql database and then restored to the new repository, this probably would not have been necessary).

In upgrading to 4.0.c, solr gave lots of errors.  I tried deleting the indexes but this did not help.  What did seem to work is just replacing the whole alf_data/solr directory with the one created on the virgin 4.0.c installation.  I believe all the indexes are recreated and so I won't have lost any data in doing this.  (Can anyone confirm ??)

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am trying to upgrade from 4.0.b to 4.0.c, following the instructions, i have tried in different ways, just copying the all aldf_data repository or making the dump of the database, even keeping the original solr folder.
The result it's always the same, i have several errors  related to solr,  in search process, or creating tags…

Most of the cases the error begins like this: 00200192 Request failed 404 /solr/alfresco/alfresco?q=PATH….

Any clue of whats happening??

Thanks in advance…