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UpGrade 3.2r2 to 3.4.b

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
hi to every body
i wanna upgrade my alfresco from 3.2r2 to 3.4.b,in last version(3.2.r2) i have many user with diffrent access.a lot of  content and space,multi Custom model,some roles and….
now i wanna upgrade it to 3.4.b with all of this possibility,what should i do?
i am test it with copy alf_data,but none of this dont transfer to new version.
any idea?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
First install a fresh 3.4b and get it up running.
Then edit the to point to your previous db and alf_data.
Before doing anything backup both your db and alf_data ->
you need to copy your custom content model as well along with the database and alf_data
If you could post the log, it will be useful as well

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
thx for your reply
in first step i copy my alf_data from 3.2.r to some place.
then i uninstall 3.2.r2 and install fresh 3.4.b,run alfresco.
then Replacement saved alf_data to here.and add custom model to extension dir and create web-client-config-custom.xml  .
save changes ,stop alfresco and run it again.then i have this error
  • "HTTP Status 404 -
  • ——————————————————————————–
    type Status report


    description The requested resource () is not available.


    Apache Tomcat/6.0.26"

    whats the mater?am i wrong?

    Champ in-the-making
    Champ in-the-making
    Look at the logfile /opt/alfresco/tomcat/logs/catalina.out

    I expect you to find some error messages there.

    Champ in-the-making
    Champ in-the-making
    none of this couldnt help me :cry:
    in 3.2r2 i use alfresco internal database but i wanna to upgrade it to 3.4.b with mysql(seprately), i dot know what shoul i do and copy which file?
    plz help me :?: