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UI Web Forms Design

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi All,

I'm very new in Alfresco. I want to develop a content management system using Alfresco. I want to provide a UI for creating and designing web forms. For example, if a clinic wants to archive their patients records they can build their custom web form (using the UI) which reflects exactly their paper work like: Patient Name, Number, Birthrate, etc. Then, after they have built their form, they can start uploading their patients records under that form.

I have found one module supports that feature which is "alfresco-form-model-management", is there any other module? and How if want to do it by myself what are the steps I have to follow?


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
You can customize share,and here is a good article written by JPotts may help you a lot.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks, but I don't want just to modify by code the form. I want to provide a UI for creating any web form where the administrator using the UI can add fields (Textbox, Date, Dropdownlist) and design the form and build it.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I have never used this, but I read about it and seen a Webinar on it. It would appear to meet your needs.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks a lot that is exactly what I need. Do you have any idea how if I want to do it by myself what are the steps I have to follow?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
If you mean how do I install it on my server, its 2 AMPs so you copy the alf_forms_management?????? into {install-dir}/amps and fm-share????? into {install-dir}/amps_share and then run apply_amps which will apply all the amps in these 2 directories.

Before you do anything however, shutdown Alfresco and back everything up so if it all goes wrong you can recover.

A word of caution.. There are amps already in those directories which could have been applied on installation. You might want to move them out to avoid either applying them again or applying them inadvertantly. Also, you cannot "back out" or "uninstall" an amp, so backup your installation before you apply the amps in case you don't like what you get. Please remember it is easier to back Alfresco up when it is not running. Finally the installation deletes and recreates your alfresco and share installation so if you have made any customisations that are not in the extension directories back them up and be ready to have to reinstall them.