11-15-2011 08:39 AM
<sequenceFlow id="flow__hwLePislEd6JArVhar3Org" sourceRef="_hwLePislEd6JArVhar3Org" targetRef="_hwLeQCslEd6JArVhar3Org">
<activiti:field name="source">
<activiti:executionListener class="com.bigcompany.wfe.activiti.listener.SequenceFlowListener"/>
public class SequenceFlowListener implements ExecutionListener {
private String source;
public void notify(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
System.out.println("source: " + execution.getVariable("source") + source);
System.out.println("destination: " + execution.getVariable("destination"));
11-15-2011 10:16 AM
11-15-2011 10:39 AM
private FixedValue source;
in the delegate class.Tags
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