As in moodle web sites I want to use alfresco share to do these steps:
>>The teacher assigned his homework and upload it to his students.
>>The teacher will open an upload link for every student and give a date so the student should apply their homework before the end of that date
>>If that date has come the upload link should close
>>the teacher after that should give every body mark (I need to imagine this process in alfresco).
I have create a site for the teacher then I can upload any file in alfresco share but I need some hints to complete this process and how to imagine all this process to be done throw alfresco
Each student has a task to complete the work by a specified date, There's a timeout task after which something happens due to missing work - assign zero marks, remind the student the work is late … And there's a task for the teacher to mark the work after its been submitted.
but we know talking in general I want to go deeply in this process to talk about the steps that should be happen to complete this work after creating a website for the teacher then what? >>should I write some code for this?and which type of code I need ? >>in moodle , student that have submitted there homework there names will be written on the right corner of the web site I want to do something like this in alfresco ,that every student who have submitted their homework should be known just only to the teacher . >>also his homework should not been seen to every one just for the teacher. >>the number of students that have submitted their homework should be known. i.e:23/45 which means that 23 student from the total number 45. >>this number should be only known for teacher and he should can correct every one his homework and give the mark for every one. >>every student should see his homeworks and his marks in a table which contain all his homework marks. >>for the teacher he should seen the student marks in a table .