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Swedish for Alfresco 3.0 Enterprise available

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I've just posted the Swedish language pack(s) for Alfresco and Share for 3.0 Enterprise.

So all of you Swedes, download from
If you happen not to be Swedish, you are welcome to download anyway Smiley Wink

For those of you using the Labs version, a Labs language pack will be released soon after the next Labs release.

There are two language packs included, packaged as amp's. Installation instructions is in the included readme.

For other translators:

I've named the and respectively. I thought that [war].[language].[country] could form a standard to follow.
For numbering the releases, I've used as the first release, the first part to follow alfresco numbering it was based on, the last number the language pack iteration for that release. So a language pack update to 3.0 would become, Alfresco 3.0 Sp1 would be and so on.
Let me know what you think.

Peter Löfgren

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have seen you have made  a translation into swedish. I have seen the guide about how to translate using Omegat.
Now I'm trying to translate Alfresco Share to spanish but I have some problems. How could I know which files I have to translate? I'm trying to translate the swedish package but I don't understand swedish (I would like). Does it works for the last Alfresco Share?
That's all. Thanks.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
It works very well, both for translating Alfresco Explorer and Alfresco Share. I'm just finishing up for Labs 3 Stable, done some intial testing.
But the guide might be a bit out of date, I plan to update the guide and put it in the wiki (when time permits)

So what to translate? When you check out the Swedish project, it will also check out files directly from the Alfresco subversion HEAD code, using externals. If you do not get anything under the source directory, make sure your subversion checkout/update is set to pick up externals. Then just start OmegaT and it will pick up the files in source.
Note that the external references for Share picks up a lot of other files thant just properties files, these will however be ignored by OmegaT and not part of the translation. So just start translating, all the files need translating for a complete translation. But some are more "administrator" oriented, and you may choose to translate them last or ignore completely. I would start with

To build, it is a 2 step process. First, run OmegaT and select the option "Create Translated Documents". Then run the build script using ant. I have only tested the build script on my linux box, so for windows I guess you first need to install ant. You can chekc in the build.xml what it actually does.

Hope this helps for now.

Peter Löfgren