Take event is only for sequence flows. You can set a start event on process level, that will definitely be executed. I would also expect the end event to be executed on a start event. Could you raise a JIRA if that's not working like that?
Have created a simple process Start Event–>Script Task–>End Event. hooked execution listener on Start Event, Script Task & End Event. Listener is not firing on Start Event & End Event with any events like start,end.
We have tests for this: org.activiti.examples.bpmn.executionlistener.ExecutionListenerTest (https://github.com/Activiti/Activiti/blob/7e91e91c080f1cbf274f3f4399670eba488aac1a/modules/activiti-...). This covers all possible scenarios we envisioned. Can you create a unit-test for this that fails and shows the behaviour you're seeing? From the description you're giving, I can only conclude this will work according to our tests…