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SQL Server and Blcoking

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am writing this post in the middle of the night because it suddenly struck me that I should tell you what happend with me weeks ago.

I was trying to test Alfresco with SQL Server. Manier times, I couldn't get Jboss started successfully. This is because jboss use to halt at one point while starting up. If you log is setup with DEBUG level, the log files will become 1 gig within few minutes of waiting.

I examined the logs and thought that Its blocking while trying to create the initial data. I don't have the available as I did not save them selparately (I apologize for that and will try to get log next time we do this).

Have you guys noticed this behaviour before? I mean is this a known issue? The important point is that I don't even remember whether it always happened first time (when alfresco will need to create data because there is nothing in database) or even after first time.

I will try to get more data on this, but for now we have swtiched back to MySQL and everything is fine. My collegue also faced the same problem and will try to get some data from him.

BTW, is there any way I can ask Alfresco not to create intial data? I need this anyways.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
We don't currently test with SQL server during development - we primarily test with MySQL and Oracle, however, there are several others who have been succesful with other db's.  Maybe they can comment on whether they've seen the same issues.  Could you raise a JIRA bug?

For your follow-up question:

You can configure the data that is imported into the Repository during the bootstrap phase by changing the following file (in PR5):


In here, you'll find a bean called 'importerBootstrap' which accepts a property called 'bootstrapViews'.  Each view is a location to an XML file that contains the data to import.  You can either remove, add or change these files. 

The data files are also located in /projects/repository/config/alfresco.

Of course, if you do make changes, it is possible to break the Alfresco Web Client as it will be relying on some of that data, but for your own custom applications this is fine.