04-12-2011 09:08 AM
04-12-2011 05:03 PM
# Action name
menu.selected-items.zip-content=Comprimi e scarica
# Actions properties
zip-content-action.header=Comprimi e scarica
zip-content-action.filename.label=Nome del file:
zip-content-action.filename.mandatory-field=Specificare il nome del file
zip-content-action.no-accent.label=Ignora accenti (la codifica degli accenti puo` creare problemi con alcuni software di compressione)
Bye,04-12-2011 06:56 PM
04-13-2011 03:05 AM
04-13-2011 08:28 AM
05-04-2012 04:17 AM
06-20-2012 02:11 PM
ERROR [extensions.webscripts.AbstractRuntime] Exception from executeScript - redirecting to status template error: 05200002 Erreur lors de la génération de l'archive.
Index: ZipContents.java
— ZipContents.java (revisione 10)
+++ ZipContents.java (local copy)
@@ -179,7 +180,11 @@
public void addToZip(NodeRef node, ZipOutputStream out, boolean noaccent, String path) throws IOException {
- QName nodeQnameType = this.nodeService.getType(node);
+ // if this is a link follow it to get real node
+ QName nodeQnameType;
+ if(this.dictionaryService.isSubClass(this.nodeService.getType(node),ApplicationModel.TYPE_FILELINK))
+ node=(NodeRef) nodeService.getProperty(node,ContentModel.PROP_LINK_DESTINATION);
+ nodeQnameType = this.nodeService.getType(node);
String nodeName = (String) nodeService.getProperty(node, ContentModel.PROP_NAME);
nodeName = noaccent ? unAccent(nodeName) : nodeName;
06-21-2012 04:14 AM
06-21-2012 06:53 AM
08-22-2012 03:04 AM
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocLibActions" replace="true">
<!– Zip folder –>
<action id="zip-folder" type="javascript" label="menu.selected-items.zip-content">
<param name="function">onActionZip</param>
<actionGroup id="folder-browse">
<action index="230" id="zip-folder" icon="zipcontents" label="menu.selected-items.zip-content" />
In my case I have made some changes to the default actions which require me to replace this section. I believe you would normally not need to do this (I think I have read somewhere that normally you put in your additions and it will be merged, but I can't guarantee this, I've only tested my own setup). if you use replace="true" you will need to copy the entire DocLibActions section from tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/share-config.xml.…
fn: function dlA_onActionZip(record) {
var getNodeId = function(nodeRef) {
return nodeRef.split('/').reverse()[0]; // Get only nodeId
var nodesRef = [];
if (record instanceof Array)
for (var i=0, ii=record.length ; i<ii ; i++){
// Download Simple Dialog
var downloadDlg = new YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog(this.id + '-download-zip-dialog', {
make this change, minify it, jar it up and you should be rearing to go!
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