Hi! Good Day!
Does anyone knows how to debug this error? Please. Thanks. I got that error in javascript console.
500 Internal Error An error inside the HTTP server which prevented it from fulfilling the request. 09080024 Wrapped Exception (with status template): 09080139 Failed to execute script 'Javascript Console Script': 09080138 TypeError: Cannot read property "1.0" from null (95f636652537d5a2f2efff620411b081.js#16)
Here is my script.
//Tag category to Approval
var categoryToAdd = null;
var categories = classification.getRootCategories("cm:generalclassifiable");
var remainingNames = ["Document Review Status", "Approval"];
while(categoryToAdd == null && categories && remainingNames.length > 0)
var idx = 1, max = categories.length, innerCategories = categories;
// reset categories to prevent further iterations if we don't find a match
categories = null;
for(;idx < max; idx++)
var category = categories[idx];
if (wf_actualPercent = 100)
categories = categories.getSubCategories();
if(categoryToAdd != null)
var oldCategories = document.properties["cm:categories"];
var newCategories = oldCategories != null ? oldCategories : [];
document.properties["cm:categories"] = newCategories;
Thank you,