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Restrict the download and copy to privilege

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Dear Experts,

I am very new to alfresco. I installed 4.2 community version.

I created a site and i have 4 different user have different privilege like our alfresco standard.


As per consumer privilege, he/she able to perform the 'download' and 'copy to' options. I want to restrict that privilege too. Let me how to achieve the above.

Thanks in advance

Muthu kumar

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You can use evaluator to manage privileges of actions.

Dear Yougesh,

Thank you first,

As I said , I am entiry new even i dont know what is evaluator , can u guide me about evaluator?

Muthu Kumar

Hello Muthu,

Please refer these links :

Create a class which extends BaseEvaluator as shown below -

public class IsSiteConsumerEvaluator extends BaseEvaluator{
    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(IsSiteConsumerEvaluator.class);
    protected static final String SITE = "site";
     * Returns the current site id OR null if we aren't in a site
     * @param context
     * @return The current site id OR null if we aren't in a site
    protected String getSite(RequestContext context)
        // Look for siteId in url path & parameters
        String site = context.getUriTokens().get(SITE);
        if (site == null)
            site = context.getParameter(SITE);
        if (site == null)
            String[] pathNames = context.getUri().substring(context.getContextPath().length()).split("/");
            for (int i = 0; i < pathNames.length; i++) {
                if (pathNames.equals(SITE) && (i + 1 < pathNames.length))
                    site = pathNames;
        return site;
    public boolean evaluate(JSONObject arg0) {
      final RequestContext rc = ThreadLocalRequestContext.getRequestContext();
      HttpSession session = ServletUtil.getSession();
      CredentialVault cv = rc.getCredentialVault();
      String currentSite = getSite(rc);
         String userName = (String) session.getAttribute(UserFactory.SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_KEY_USER_ID);
         Connector connector = rc.getServiceRegistry().getConnectorService().getConnector("alfresco", userName, session);
         Response res ="/api/sites/"+currentSite+"/memberships/" +rc.getUserId());
         logger.debug(">> Membership Response :: " + res);
         if(res.getStatus().getCode() == Status.STATUS_OK){
            String response = res.getResponse();
            JSONParser p = new JSONParser();
            Object obj = p.parse(response);
            logger.debug(">> Object obj value :: " + obj);
            if(obj instanceof JSONObject){
               JSONObject jsonRes = (JSONObject) obj;
               String siteMemberShip = (String) jsonRes.get("role");
               logger.debug(">> Object obj value :: " + siteMemberShip);
                  logger.debug(">> In final if returning TRUE");
                  return true;
   }catch(ConnectorServiceException e){
   } catch (ParseException e) {

   return false;


Register this bean as you would do for any other class - (say in custom-slingshot-application-context.xml)

     <bean id="evaluator.doclib.action.IsSiteConsumer" class="com.sop.web.evaluator.IsSiteConsumerEvaluator" />

Then override the action in share-config-custom.xml as below -

   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocLibActions">
          <action id="document-copy-to" type="javascript" label="actions.document.copy-to">
                    <param name="function">onActionCopyTo</param>
               <evaluator negate="true">evaluator.doclib.action.IsSiteConsumer</evaluator>
                    <evaluator negate="true">evaluator.doclib.action.isLocked</evaluator>
                    <evaluator negate="true">evaluator.doclib.indicator.IsReadOnly</evaluator>
          <action id="document-download" type="link" label="">
                    <param name="href">{downloadUrl}</param>

Hope so that helps you!!!

It is really helpful sujay, it is a great effort but i can't understand the java as i dont know about anything because i am working in oracle domain. I understood that you have given whole script. I have a query regarding the term "Register".

what should I do with this java code (do you mean that I should compile and get the executable format?).

Muthu kumar

I have uploaded the jar here -

Just copy it to your tomcat/share/lib and restart your alfresco server.