07-08-2009 05:01 AM
07-08-2009 05:17 AM
07-08-2009 07:27 AM
Have you looked at the information provided here: http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Customising_An_Alfresco_JSPWith this doc, we have help to modify a page inside the container.jsp. I would like to do something different.
07-08-2009 07:35 AM
How can I have a Jsp working alone on the site (no menu, …)
07-08-2009 08:48 AM
Concerning your second problem, are you patching Alfresco as an AMP module ?Yes, I do (I have rewrite your question and my responses here : http://forums.alfresco.com/en/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=20276#p65900)
07-08-2009 08:55 AM
For example, I want to have one URL (inside the link to a node, and customPage.jsp)
07-08-2009 09:29 AM
something I have not understood :For example, an URL like this : http://yourserver:8080/alfresco/extension/mycustomjsp.jsp?spaceStore=XXX
For example, I want to have one URL (inside the link to a node, and customPage.jsp)
Can you be more precise :I would be able to use from extern. For example giving the link to another application that should be able to show what I want without all Alfresco interface.
- where do you want to be your link to be displayed (try to be precise : tell us the page, the exact location of the link etc …)
- have you thought about implementing a custom Dialog ?
- have you thought about displaying this link in a "(space) presentation template" and directly call your jsp resource like : http://yourserver:8080/alfresco/extensi … tomjsp.jsp
07-08-2009 09:37 AM
07-08-2009 10:11 AM
07-08-2009 10:27 AM
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