02-26-2007 03:43 AM
02-27-2007 05:25 AM
02-27-2007 05:40 AM
02-27-2007 08:08 PM
The 2.0 Records Management AMP (Alfresco Module Package) file will be uploaded to SourceForge today
02-28-2007 04:38 AM
02-28-2007 07:53 AM
02-28-2007 09:28 AM
03-01-2007 01:53 AM
03-01-2007 04:40 AM
Hi Kevin from Alfresco, the newly uploaded records management amp as of Feb 27, 2007 still not working.
I followed the instruction in the readme.txt but still encountered error message, the same message encountered by previous poster:
"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/alfresco/repo/module/tool/ModuleManagementTool
Can you please tell us is there anything wrong in what we are doing or some bug in the amp?
Thanks in advance for your time to fix this problem. We are evaluating ECM products and the fix on this will help us proceed on the evaluation. I would like your company to be included in our RFP but I cannot justify until I can show them something.
03-01-2007 04:27 PM
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