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Random HTTP 400 error on POST request to alfresco

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I got a problem with getting POST HTTP request in alfresco.

I send a request with YAHOO.asyncRequest to /share/proxy/alfresco/… and sometimes i got a 400 response code.
I always send the same request, and same parameters, so the problem is not here.
I debugged Alfresco's code, and i realesed that RemoteClient send the HTTP request to /alfresco/s/…?ALF_TICEKT=…, but if error occours i can't see the request on alfresco side. On response 400 recieved.

I tcpdumpped the request and if everything is alright i can see this:

POST /alfresco/s/…/institution-registration?close=true&instID=2&alf_ticket=TICKET_1eb2ac478ba6b2389c831de9014d3ab4564e4855 HTTP/1.1
connection: keep-alive
content-length: 0
origin: http://dani-alf:8080
x-requested-with: application/json
user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.114 Safari/537.36
accept: */*
referer: http://dani-alf:8080/share/page/user/.../dashboard
accept-encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
accept-language: hu-HU,hu;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:8080
Expect: 100-continue

HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 133
Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 07:40:19 GMT

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 07:40:19 GMT
Connection: close


If HTTP 400 occours:

POST /alfresco/s/…/institution-registration?close=true&instID=2&alf_ticket=TICKET_1eb2ac478ba6b2389c831de9014d3ab4564e4855 HTTP/1.1
connection: keep-alive
content-length: 0
origin: http://dani-alf:8080
x-requested-with: application/json
user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.114 Safari/537.36
accept: */*
referer: http://dani-alf:8080/share/page/user/.../dashboard
accept-encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
accept-language: hu-HU,hu;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:8080
Expect: 100-continue

In the logs:

DEBUG [webscripts.connector.HttpConnector] [http-bio-8080-exec-218] Requested Method: POST URI: /…/institution-registration?close=true&instID=2
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-218] Executing (POST) http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/.../institution-registration?close=true&instID=2&alf_ticket=TICKET_...
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-218]  - InputStream supplied - will push…
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-218]  - OutputStream supplied - will stream response…
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-218]  - OutputStream supplied - will stream response…
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-218]  - Full Proxy mode between servlet request and response…
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-218] Creating HttpClient instance for thread: http-bio-8080-exec-218
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-218] Set Content-Type=application/json
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-218] POST entity Content-Length=-2
org.apache.coyote.http11.AbstractHttp11Processor process
INFO: Error parsing HTTP request header
Note: further occurrences of HTTP header parsing errors will be logged at DEBUG level.
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-218] Response status code: 200
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-218] Response encoding: null
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.AuthenticatingConnector] [http-bio-8080-exec-218] Received 200 on first call to: /…/institution-registration?close=true&instID=2
DEBUG [servlet.mvc.EndPointProxyController] [http-bio-8080-exec-218] Return code: 200

Bad request log:

DEBUG [webscripts.connector.HttpConnector] [http-bio-8080-exec-112] Requested Method: POST URI: /…/institution-registration?close=true&instID=2
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-112] Executing (POST) http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/.../institution-registration?close=true&instID=2&alf_ticket=TICKET_...
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-112]  - InputStream supplied - will push…
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-112]  - OutputStream supplied - will stream response…
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-112]  - Full Proxy mode between servlet request and response…
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-112] Set Content-Type=application/json
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-112] POST entity Content-Length=-2
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-112] Response status code: 400
DEBUG [webscripts.connector.AuthenticatingConnector] [http-bio-8080-exec-112] Received 400 on first call to: /…/institution-registration?close=true&instID=2
DEBUG [servlet.mvc.EndPointProxyController] [http-bio-8080-exec-112] Return code: 400

i figured out that on GET requests it doesn't happen.
Any suggestion?

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

please be aware that you need to handle the CSRF token manually when not using the Alfresco.util.Ajax utility, otherwise Share may reject a request due to missing / unmatching CSRF token in request. Please see <a href="">Introducing the new CSRF filter in Alfresco</a> for details. Also note a special issue that affects POST request in a tabbed browsing scenario: <a href="">ALF-20815</a>.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thank you for your answer, CSRF token handling was the problem.