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Prototype: Alfresco Web Scripts + extjs ajax lib

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Along with a colleague I played around with Web Scripts and extjs (a fabulous ajax lib).
After a couple of days we've finished a first prototype of a ajax-based Alfresco repository browser - we named it opsoro.

    feature overview:
    - ria-feeling (sortable & movable columns, view/hide components, async loading…)
    - live Search (search as you type)
    - folder browser
    - category browser
    - tag cloud browser
    - My Alfresco portal (draggable portlets)
    - document tagging
    - embedded preview (crop content & image preview)
    - inline view (text, pdf, images … IE only: ms office et. al.)
You find a flash screemcam here:

This Web Script API is truly first-rate! It is impressive to find out how easy  and rapid to develop things can be;-)

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Yes, please forge, this is the true power of open source and open standards.
What is Alfresco's point of view (especially gui designers) of the opsoro project?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
What is Alfresco's point of view (especially gui designers) of the opsoro project?
We like it for a number of reasons:
  - it shows how quickly completely new and exciting user interfaces can be created using webscripts and third party Javascript libraries
  - it shows how our "out of the box" webscripts and UI elements can be re-used in completely new environments
  - it shows that the direction we're heading in for our future UI development (more AJAX, and other "Web 2.0" paradigms) is the correct one, and one which Community members are excited about

And finally, we're encouraged that people are spending the time and effort creating these innovative user interfaces using Alfresco!


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
perhaps that Alfresco can consider include this UI in the future release ..  Smiley Very Happy

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Yes, please forge, this is the true power of open source and open standards.
What is Alfresco's point of view (especially gui designers) of the opsoro project?

Would be great to see that on forge. We are working on similar interfaces, and would love to be able to contribute.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

the decision is made, opsoro will follow its own name "OPen SOurce ROcks" –> It's Open Source.
We'll contribute opsoro as an forge project soon. We'll also set up a a dedicated project site (
I'm not so far to communicate a fix first release date, but two or three weeks sounds realistic, I'm just back from holiday 😉
I'm confident that we're able together with the community to deliver a nice alternative approach using alfresco.

Stay tuned!


PS: I'll be in Barcelona:

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
happy to hear that.. it is really value added to the alfresco as a project…

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
There is no a Alfresco Forge Project:
I have also released a first version opsoro 0.1 Beta here:

Install instructions: Downlaod zip and extract the three contained file somewhere:
  • opsoro_AMP.amp: AMP File which patches missing cropContent-Method in ftl-files. Install this using Alfresco Module Manager

  • contains the opsoro webScript bundle. Install them:

  • contains opsoro client. simply extract it to tomcats webapps directory.
So…Have Fun!

Please contact me if you'd like to contribute or perhaps sponsor the project in some way.
We're currently preparing and discussing the further roadmap of opsoro. There are some really nice options like:
  • upload content

  • categorize documents

  • edit properties

  • checkout checkin

  • advanced search

  • IE only: edit office files inline using webDav

  • support actions: start workflow, transform…
We're also considering to support Adobe AIR and implement features like these:
  • drag'n drop from and to system (e.g. explorer)

  • offline access. Make folders markable as offline folders and sync the containing files and some core meta data to AIR´s local SQLite DB.
Cheers, Jan

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I just recognized that there are two little bugs:
  • live search result window disappears

  • property grid columns not correctly shown (IE only)
There is also a issue with Enterprise 2.2.0Beta, because tag-root classification isn't added during first bootstrap…


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
There is also a issue with Enterprise 2.2.0Beta, because tag-root classification isn't added during first bootstrap…
That's correct - the tagging extension to the category tree is only being applied to the 2.9 branch and later.

It should be possible to take the relevant parts from the 2.9 bootstrap and patch them into v2.2E via an AMP, but this would be unsupported by us.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Jan,
thank you for your beautifol forge project. We are trying to try it, but..  which alfresco version we should use?..  We have tryied it on the latest build 2008-3-31 but still no luck.

Is there a possiblity we are just running "wrong" version of alfresco?.. or we are missing somethnig completelly diferent? (e.g. brain? Smiley Happy )
