I'm working my way through the product evaluation guide: 2.1 WCM on 2.1 community alfresco. I made my way through the intro to Alfresco fine, and was at the point where having bulk imported the .war into alfrescosample, to preview it. But it always gives me this url back:
which obviously doesn't lead anywhere. I even tried remaking the project using the name of the deploy to changed from localhost to the dns name of the machine , but that doesn't change the preview link. I know there's probably something simple that I'm not putting together, but there's no quick way to ascertain what's going on.
So what you need is a working internet connection. Then the virtual domain will contact alfrescodemo.net and resolve this to which is your localhost. If you are not running the demo on the local host, then you will have to configure according to instructions found in the wiki.
Yet I still get back the same url with, even after restarting via alfresco.sh (and heck, even restarting the host). Is there something else I should be doing to make this config catch?