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Forum Posts

Assigning Task Watchers for User Tasks

Hi,Is there a provision for adding watchers to user tasks ?Scenario : I have two tasks. A multi-instance user task 'Panel member assessment' (Task 1) , followed by a user task 'Panel chair assessment' (Task 2).A listener to the create event of Task 1...

Properties File and Encoding

Hi!I'm trying to localize the strings to name my Custom Models properties, etc. I managed to get it to work although I want to encode the strings to UTF-8 as I have strings with special characters.Is there a way to do that with properties file?Taking...

Alfresco and INGRES database

Hello,I'm trying to get working Alfresco community edition with INGRES 10.2 database.Unfortunatly there is a lot of bad messages at the connexion to the database.My cnf :alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/—8<—### database connec...

dhoudas by Champ in-the-making
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exportar/importar contenido

HolaNecesito poder exportar y/o importar el contenido del repositorio a ficheros almacenados en un sistema de ficheros en linux.He visto que el la version 4 existe la opcion "Bulk Filesystem Import Tool" que me permitiria hacer una carga masiva de un...

pps by Champ in-the-making
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'Send Email' action to 'Site Members'

I am trying to use Rules in a site I created that will send an email to Site Members (or Site Admins, or Site Consumers etc) however the To: field only lets me search within all users, existing global groups such as Administrators, Email Contributors...

oktay by Champ in-the-making
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Cloud Alfresco

Hola a todos,Estoy actualemente trabajando con la parte de seguridad de ALfresco, especificamente con Token y OAuth2.Revisando la documentación habia que registrar la Aplicacion para trabajar con Cloud en Alfresco Developer Portal: https://developer....

juanvzla by Champ in-the-making
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Simple flow with Timer not repeating

Hello all, I have a fairly simply process setup that gets an object, performs some logic via JavaDelegate tasks, and repeats if the process did not go through properly.  There is a 10 second wait as well.  What I am observing happening is that after ...

castyn by Champ in-the-making
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Trigger listener on start and end of each activity

I need to add verbose logging for process instance to see the route of them in logs. I think the best way to do this will be global listeners which will be trigger on start and end of all activities in process and write info of start/end of activity ...

nixikanius by Champ in-the-making
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Disable accounts created by LDAP sync

Hi there,how can I disable (as an admin) certain user accounts, which where previously created by the regular LDAP sync?When editing this sort of user account the <strong>Disable account</strong> setting is disabled (grayed) and can't be changed (in ...

mpeters by Champ in-the-making
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Cloud Roadmap

Does Alfresco publish a roadmap for when features will be added to the Cloud version of Alfresco?