At work my current Task is to become familiar with Activiti.
Therefore I installed it by using the ant demo.start command, like it is recommended in the userguide.
So my situation can be described as following:
I tried to model a process (or even the same process) like it is shown in the "Getting started: 10 minute tutorial". I opened the Modeler and created a process(-definition) like it is shown at the monthly financial report example. I saved the process and deployed it by using the Activiti Probe application. In the Activiti Explorer I can see the new process but it has no name though i saved the process definition (bmpn20 file) with a self-explaining name.
Here's the first problem: The only things I see is a blank field in the Name - column and a long sid-key in the Key column. Why is there no name and a long key value? Can I take influence on this only by using the Acitivit applications (Modeler)?
The second problem is: When I start this process (the one I modeled, the same example out of the 10 minute tutorial), I should see at the Tasks - menue that the process is running on the engine and I should be able to handle it. But there is nothing displayed! Just when I take a look at the appropriate tables in the Database, I can see that the process ist set running! So why can't I see it in the Activiti Explorer where I should be able to see it and to work with it?
The interesting thing is, that if I use the given example processes in Activiti, I can work with them like it is described in the user manual. Just if I want to work with my own processes, I am not able to do it!
I would be very happy if someone could help me because I'm trying to solve this problem since two weeks without success. I become desperate since I haven't found a solution yet… 😞
I uploadet screenshots of the described steps and situations.
Furthermore I hope, someone can help me. Thanks! :?: :cry: