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Problem with CIFS & LDAP

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello all,
I am using LDAP for user authentication and I am trying to configure my own authenticator for the CIFS Server. I need the custom authenticator to remove the authentication for CIFS server (remove the popup which asks for credentials, directly access the repository) . It would be very helpful if someone tells me an easier way to do this. When I try to access my repository from my Windows Explorer with default authenticator (enterprise) everything is ok, the OS asks me for my credentials and if they are correct I have access. I read some things in the forum and in the wiki and what I gathered from all the reading is that I have to configure, file-servers.xml and create my own class which extends CifsAuthenticator  class. So I’m trying the following:



<alfresco-config area="file-servers">

   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="CIFS Server">
      <serverEnable enabled="${cifs.enabled}"/>
      <host name="${cifs.localname}A" domain="${cifs.domain}"/>
      <comment>Alfresco CIFS Server</comment>

      <!– Set to the broadcast mask for the subnet –>
      <!– Set to the IP for the adapter for Java socket –>

      <!– Use Java socket based NetBIOS over TCP/IP and native SMB on linux –>
      <tcpipSMB ipv6="${cifs.ipv6}" platforms="linux,solaris,macosx"/>
      <netBIOSSMB bindto="${cifs.bindto}" platforms="linux,solaris,macosx"/>

      <!– Announce the server to the workgroup/domain –>
      <!– Use enabled="false" attribute to disable announcements –>             
      <hostAnnounce interval="5" enabled="${cifs.hostannounce}"/>

      <!– Use Win32 NetBIOS interface on Windows –>

      <!– Announce the server to the workgroup/domain –>
      <!– Use enabled="false" attribute to disable announcements –>             
      <Win32Announce interval="5" enabled="${cifs.hostannounce}"/>

      <!– CIFS authentication –>
      <!– Available types are 'alfresco', 'passthru' and 'enterprise' –>
      <authenticator type="enterprise">

   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="FTP Server">
      <serverEnable enabled="${ftp.enabled}"/>

     <!– IPv6 support –>
     <IPv6 state="${ftp.ipv6}"/>
      <!– FTP authentication –>
      <!– Available types are 'alfresco' and 'passthru' –>
      <authenticator type="alfresco"/>
   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="NFS Server">
      <serverEnable enabled="${nfs.enabled}"/>

      <!– Map NFS user/group ids to Alfresco users –>     
            <user name="admin" uid="0" gid="0"/>
   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Filesystems">
         <!– Alfresco repository access shared filesystem –>
         <filesystem name="${}">

            <!– Add a URL file to each folder that links back to the web client –>

            <!– Mark locked files as offline –>

            <!– Desktop actions –>

               <!– Other desktop actions which may be enabled –>
                    <attributes>anyFiles, multiplePaths , allowNoParams</attributes>
                    <preprocess>confirm, copyToTarget</preprocess>

            <!– Additional access control of the filesystem –>
            <!– Access type of 'none' will stop the filesystem from showing up for that user/address/protocol –>             
            <accessControl default="Write">
               <user name="admin" access="Write"/>
               <address subnet="" mask="" access="Write"/>
           <!– AVM virtualization view of all stores/versions for WCM –>
           <!– virtual view stores filter can be any of the following: normal, site, staging, author, preview –>
         <avmfilesystem name="AVM">
            <virtualView stores="site,staging,author"/>

   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Filesystem Security">
      <!– Domain mappings used for passthru authentication routing              –>
      <!– Used when the client does not provide a domain name in the NTLM logon –>
          <Domain name="ALFRESCO" subnet="" mask=""/>
      <!– Custom share mapper when multi-tenancy is enabled –>
      <shareMapper type="multi-tenant">
      <!– Global access control list                                                                    –>
      <!– Applied to all filesystems that do not have an <accessControl> block                          –>
      <!– Access type of 'none' will stop the filesystem from showing up for that user/address/protocol –>             
      <globalAccessControl default="None">
         <user name="admin" access="Write"/>
         <address ip="" access="Write"/>

And for CustomCifsAuthenticator I used the code from the class org.alfresco.filesys.auth.cifs .EnterpriseCifsAuthenticator, and put some System.out.println just to see if it would work (I’ll implement the logic later), here’s the source:
package org.alfresco.filesys.auth.cifs;

import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.SMBSrvException;
import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.SMBSrvPacket;
import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.SMBSrvSession;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;


import org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException;
import org.alfresco.filesys.alfresco.AlfrescoClientInfo;
import org.alfresco.jlan.debug.Debug;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.AuthenticatorException;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.ClientInfo;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.NTLanManAuthContext;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.kerberos.KerberosApReq;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.kerberos.KerberosDetails;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.kerberos.KrbAuthContext;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.kerberos.SessionSetupPrivilegedAction;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.ntlm.NTLM;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.ntlm.NTLMMessage;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.ntlm.NTLMv2Blob;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.ntlm.TargetInfo;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.ntlm.Type1NTLMMessage;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.ntlm.Type2NTLMMessage;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.ntlm.Type3NTLMMessage;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.spnego.NegTokenInit;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.spnego.NegTokenTarg;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.spnego.OID;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.spnego.SPNEGO;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.config.InvalidConfigurationException;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.config.ServerConfiguration;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.core.NoPooledMemoryException;
import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.Capability;
import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.SMBStatus;
import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.dcerpc.UUID;
import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.VirtualCircuit;
import org.alfresco.jlan.util.DataPacker;
import org.alfresco.jlan.util.HexDump;
import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.RetryingTransactionHelper;
import org.ietf.jgss.Oid;
import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigElement;

* Enterprise CIFS Authenticator Class
* <p>CIFS authenticator that supports NTLMSSP and Kerberos logins.
* @author gkspencer
public class CustomCifsAuthenticator extends CifsAuthenticatorBase implements CallbackHandler
    // Constants
    // Default login configuration entry name

    private static final String LoginConfigEntry = "AlfrescoCIFS";

    // NTLM flags mask, used to mask out features that are not supported

    private static final int NTLM_FLAGS = NTLM.Flag56Bit +
                                          NTLM.Flag128Bit +
                                          NTLM.FlagLanManKey +
                                          NTLM.FlagNegotiateNTLM +
                                          NTLM.FlagNTLM2Key +

    // Use NTLMSSP or SPNEGO

    private boolean m_useRawNTLMSSP = true;

    // Flag to control whether NTLMv1 is accepted

    private boolean m_acceptNTLMv1 = true;

    // Kerberos settings
    // Account name and password for server ticket
    // The account name must be built from the CIFS server name, in the format :-
    // cifs/<server_name>@<realm>

    private String m_accountName;
    private String m_password;

    // Kerberos realm

    private String m_krbRealm;

    // Login configuration entry name

    private String m_loginEntryName = LoginConfigEntry;

    // Server login context

    private LoginContext m_loginContext;

    // SPNEGO NegTokenInit blob, sent to the client in the SMB negotiate response

    private Vector<Oid> m_mechTypes;
    private byte[] m_negTokenInit;
    private String m_mecListMIC;

    private boolean kerberosDebug;

    private boolean disableNTLM;

     * Class constructor
    public CustomCifsAuthenticator()

     * Sets the HTTP service account password. (the Principal should be configured in java.login.config)
     * @param password
     *            the password to set
    public void setPassword(String password)
        this.m_password = password;

     * Sets the HTTP service account realm.
     * @param realm
     *            the realm to set
    public void setRealm(String realm)
        m_krbRealm = realm;

     * Sets the HTTP service login configuration entry name.
     * @param loginEntryName
     *            the loginEntryName to set
    public void setJaasConfigEntryName(String jaasConfigEntryName)
        m_loginEntryName = jaasConfigEntryName;

    public void setKerberosDebug(boolean kerberosDebug)
        this.kerberosDebug = kerberosDebug;

    public void setDisableNTLM(boolean disableNTLM)
        this.disableNTLM = disableNTLM;

    public void setUseSPNEGO(boolean useSPNEGO)
        m_useRawNTLMSSP = !useSPNEGO;

    public void setDisallowNTLMv1(boolean disallowNTLMv1)
        this.m_acceptNTLMv1 = !disallowNTLMv1;

     * Initialize the authenticator (via the config service)
     * @param config ServerConfiguration
     * @param params ConfigElement
     * @exception InvalidConfigurationException
    public void initialize(ServerConfiguration config, ConfigElement params) throws InvalidConfigurationException
        // Check if Java API Kerberos debug output should be enabled

        setKerberosDebug(params.getChild("kerberosDebug") != null);

        // Check if Kerberos is enabled, get the Kerberos realm
        ConfigElement krbRealm = params.getChild("Realm");
        if (krbRealm != null && krbRealm.getValue() != null && krbRealm.getValue().length() > 0)

            // Get the CIFS service account password

            ConfigElement srvPassword = params.getChild("Password");
            if (srvPassword != null && srvPassword.getValue() != null && srvPassword.getValue().length() > 0)
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("CIFS service account password not specified");

            // Get the login configuration entry name

            ConfigElement loginEntry = params.getChild("LoginEntry");

            if (loginEntry != null)
                if (loginEntry.getValue() != null && loginEntry.getValue().length() > 0)
                    // Set the login configuration entry name to use
                    throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Invalid login entry specified");

            setDisableNTLM(params.getChild("disableNTLM") != null);

            // Indicate that SPNEGO security blobs are being used
            // Check if raw NTLMSSP or SPNEGO/NTLMSSP should be used
            setUseSPNEGO(params.getChild("useSPNEGO") != null);

        // Check if NTLMv1 logons are accepted

        setDisallowNTLMv1(params.getChild("disallowNTLMv1") != null);

        // Trigger super class initialisation
        super.initialize(config, params);

     * Initialize the authenticator (after properties have been set)
     * @exception InvalidConfigurationException
    public void initialize() throws InvalidConfigurationException

        // Check if Java API Kerberos debug output should be enabled

        if (this.kerberosDebug)
            // Enable Kerberos API debug output

            System.setProperty("", "true");
            System.setProperty("", "true");

        // Check if Kerberos is enabled
        if (m_krbRealm != null && m_krbRealm.length() > 0)

            // Get the CIFS service account password
            if (m_password == null || m_password.length() == 0)
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("CIFS service account password not specified");

            // Get the login configuration entry name
            if (m_loginEntryName == null || m_loginEntryName.length() == 0)
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Invalid login entry specified");

            // Create a login context for the CIFS server service

                // Login the CIFS server service

                m_loginContext = new LoginContext(m_loginEntryName, this);
            catch (LoginException ex)
                // Debug

                if (logger.isErrorEnabled())
                    logger.error("CIFS Kerberos authenticator error", ex);

                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Failed to login CIFS server service");

            // Get the CIFS service account name from the subject

            Subject subj = m_loginContext.getSubject();
            Principal princ = subj.getPrincipals().iterator().next();

            m_accountName = princ.getName();

            // DEBUG

            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Logged on using principal " + m_accountName);

            // Create the Oid list for the SPNEGO NegTokenInit, include NTLMSSP for fallback

            m_mechTypes = new Vector<Oid>();

            // DEBUG

            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Enabling mechTypes :-");
                logger.debug("  Kerberos5");
                logger.debug("  MS-Kerberos5");

            // Always enable Kerberos


            if (!disableNTLM)

                // DEBUG

                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("  NTLMSSP");

            // Indicate that SPNEGO security blobs are being used

            m_useRawNTLMSSP = false;
        // Check if raw NTLMSSP or SPNEGO/NTLMSSP should be used
        else if (!m_useRawNTLMSSP)
            // SPNEGO security blobs are being used

            // Create the Oid list for the SPNEGO NegTokenInit

            m_mechTypes = new Vector<Oid>();


            // Use raw NTLMSSP security blobs

        // Make sure that either Kerberos support is enabled and/or the authentication component
        // supports MD4 hashed passwords

        if (!isKerberosEnabled() && (!(getAuthenticationComponent() instanceof NLTMAuthenticator) || getNTLMAuthenticator().getNTLMMode() != NTLMMode.MD4_PROVIDER))
            // Log an error

            logger.error("No valid CIFS authentication combination available");
            logger.error("Either enable Kerberos support or use an SSO-enabled authentication component that supports MD4 hashed passwords");

            // Throw an exception to stop the CIFS server startup

            throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("Invalid CIFS authenticator configuration");
     * As the mechListMIC principle may vary according to the CIFS server configuration, initialisation and retrieval of
     * the cached SPNEGO NegTokenInit has been moved to this method.
     * @return encoded SPNEGO NegTokenInit
     * @throws AuthenticatorException
    private synchronized byte[] getNegTokenInit() throws AuthenticatorException
        String mecListMIC = null;

        // Check if Kerberos is enabled
        byte[] encoded = null;       
        if (m_krbRealm != null && m_krbRealm.length() > 0)
            // Build the mechListMIC principle
            // Note: This field is not as specified

            StringBuilder mic = new StringBuilder();


            mecListMIC = mic.toString();
            // If the principal is the same, use the cached pre-encoded version
            if (mecListMIC.equals(m_mecListMIC))
                encoded = m_negTokenInit;
        // Check if raw NTLMSSP or SPNEGO/NTLMSSP should be used
        else if (!m_useRawNTLMSSP)
            encoded = m_negTokenInit;
            return null;

        if (encoded != null)
            return encoded;
        // Build the SPNEGO NegTokenInit blob

            // Build the SPNEGO NegTokenInit that contains the authentication types that the CIFS server accepts

            NegTokenInit negTokenInit = new NegTokenInit(m_mechTypes, mecListMIC);

            // Encode the NegTokenInit blob

            encoded = negTokenInit.encode();
            m_negTokenInit = encoded;
            m_mecListMIC = mecListMIC;
        catch (IOException ex)
            // Debug

            if (logger.isErrorEnabled())
                logger.error("Error creating SPNEGO NegTokenInit blob", ex);

            throw new AuthenticatorException("Failed to create SPNEGO NegTokenInit blob");
        return encoded;

     * Determine if Kerberos support is enabled
     * @return boolean
    private final boolean isKerberosEnabled()
        return m_krbRealm != null && m_loginContext != null;

     * Determine if raw NTLMSSP or SPNEGO security blobs are being used
     * @return boolean
    private final boolean useRawNTLMSSP()
        return m_useRawNTLMSSP;

     * Determine if NTLMv1 logons are accepted
     * @return boolean
    private final boolean acceptNTLMv1Logon()
        return m_acceptNTLMv1;

     * JAAS callback handler
     * @param callbacks Callback[]
     * @exception IOException
     * @exception UnsupportedCallbackException
    public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException
        // Process the callback list

        for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++)
            // Request for user name

            if (callbacks[i] instanceof NameCallback)
                NameCallback cb = (NameCallback) callbacks[i];
                // cb.setName(m_accountName);

            // Request for password
            else if (callbacks[i] instanceof PasswordCallback)
                PasswordCallback cb = (PasswordCallback) callbacks[i];

            // Request for realm

            else if (callbacks[i] instanceof RealmCallback)
                RealmCallback cb = (RealmCallback) callbacks[i];
                throw new UnsupportedCallbackException(callbacks[i]);

     * Return the encryption key/challenge length
     * @return int
    public int getEncryptionKeyLength()
        return 8;

     * Return the server capability flags
     * @return int
    public int getServerCapabilities()
        return Capability.Unicode + Capability.RemoteAPIs + Capability.NTSMBs + Capability.NTFind +
               Capability.NTStatus + Capability.LargeFiles + Capability.LargeRead + Capability.LargeWrite +

     * Generate the CIFS negotiate response packet, the authenticator should add authentication specific fields
     * to the response.
     * @param sess SMBSrvSession
     * @param respPkt SMBSrvPacket
     * @param extendedSecurity boolean
     * @exception AuthenticatorException
    public void generateNegotiateResponse(SMBSrvSession sess, SMBSrvPacket respPkt, boolean extendedSecurity)
            throws AuthenticatorException
        // If the client does not support extended security then return a standard negotiate response
        // with an 8 byte challenge

        if (extendedSecurity == false)
            super.generateNegotiateResponse(sess, respPkt, extendedSecurity);

        // Make sure the extended security negotiation flag is set

        if ((respPkt.getFlags2() & SMBSrvPacket.FLG2_EXTENDEDSECURITY) == 0)
            respPkt.setFlags2(respPkt.getFlags2() + SMBSrvPacket.FLG2_EXTENDEDSECURITY);

        // Get the negotiate response byte area position

        int pos = respPkt.getByteOffset();
        byte[] buf = respPkt.getBuffer();

        // Pack the CIFS server GUID into the negotiate response

        UUID serverGUID = sess.getSMBServer().getServerGUID();

        System.arraycopy(serverGUID.getBytes(), 0, buf, pos, 16);
        pos += 16;

        // If SPNEGO is enabled then pack the NegTokenInit blob

        if (useRawNTLMSSP() == false)
            byte[] negTokenInit = getNegTokenInit();
            System.arraycopy(negTokenInit, 0, buf, pos, m_negTokenInit.length);
            pos += negTokenInit.length;

        // Set the negotiate response length

        respPkt.setByteCount(pos - respPkt.getByteOffset());

     * Process the CIFS session setup request packet and build the session setup response
     * @param sess SMBSrvSession
     * @param reqPkt SMBSrvPacket
     * @exception SMBSrvException
    public void processSessionSetup(final SMBSrvSession sess, final SMBSrvPacket reqPkt)
        throws SMBSrvException
        //  Check that the received packet looks like a valid NT session setup andX request

        if (reqPkt.checkPacketIsValid(12, 0) == false)
            throw new SMBSrvException(SMBStatus.NTInvalidParameter, SMBStatus.SRVNonSpecificError, SMBStatus.ErrSrv);

        //  Check if the request is using security blobs or the older hashed password format
        if ( reqPkt.getParameterCount() == 13)
                // Start a transaction

                doInTransaction(new RetryingTransactionHelper.RetryingTransactionCallback<Object>()

                    public Object execute() throws Throwable
                        // Process the hashed password session setup

                        doHashedPasswordLogon(sess, reqPkt);
                        return null;
            catch ( Exception ex)
                //  Convert to an access denied exception
                throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied);
            // Hashed password processing complete
        //  Extract the session details

        int maxBufSize = reqPkt.getParameter(2);
        int maxMpx     = reqPkt.getParameter(3);
        int vcNum      = reqPkt.getParameter(4);
        final int secBlobLen = reqPkt.getParameter(7);
        int capabs     = reqPkt.getParameterLong(10);

        //  Extract the client details from the session setup request

        int dataPos = reqPkt.getByteOffset();
        final byte[] buf = reqPkt.getBuffer();

        //  Determine if ASCII or unicode strings are being used
        final boolean isUni = reqPkt.isUnicode();

        //  Make a note of the security blob position
        final int secBlobPos = dataPos;
        //  Extract the clients primary domain name string

        dataPos += secBlobLen;
        reqPkt.setPosition( dataPos);
        String domain = "";

        if (reqPkt.hasMoreData()) {

            //    Extract the callers domain name

            domain = reqPkt.unpackString(isUni);
            if (domain == null)
                throw new SMBSrvException(SMBStatus.NTInvalidParameter, SMBStatus.SRVNonSpecificError, SMBStatus.ErrSrv);

        //  Extract the clients native operating system

        String clientOS = "";

        if (reqPkt.hasMoreData()) {

          //    Extract the callers operating system name

            clientOS = reqPkt.unpackString(isUni);
          if (clientOS == null)
              throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTInvalidParameter, SMBStatus.SRVNonSpecificError, SMBStatus.ErrSrv);

        //  DEBUG

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
          logger.debug("NT Session setup " + (useRawNTLMSSP() ? "NTLMSSP" : "SPNEGO") + ", MID=" + reqPkt.getMultiplexId() + ", UID=" + reqPkt.getUserId() + ", PID=" + reqPkt.getProcessId());

        //  Store the client maximum buffer size, maximum multiplexed requests count and client capability flags
        sess.setClientMaximumBufferSize(maxBufSize != 0 ? maxBufSize : SMBSrvSession.DefaultBufferSize);

        //  Create the client information and store in the session

        final ClientInfo client = new AlfrescoClientInfo();
        client.setLogonType( ClientInfo.LogonNormal);

        // Set the remote address, if available
        if ( sess.hasRemoteAddress())

        //  Set the process id for this client, for multi-stage logons
        client.setProcessId( reqPkt.getProcessId());
        // Get the current sesion setup object, or null
        Object setupObj = sess.getSetupObject( client.getProcessId());
        //  Process the security blob
        byte[] respBlob = null;
        final boolean isNTLMSSP;
            // Check if the blob has the NTLMSSP signature
            if ( secBlobLen >= NTLM.Signature.length) {
              // Check for the NTLMSSP signature
              int idx = 0;
              while ( idx < NTLM.Signature.length && buf[secBlobPos + idx] == NTLM.Signature[ idx])
              isNTLMSSP = ( idx == NTLM.Signature.length);
            else {
              isNTLMSSP = false;               

            // Start a transaction
            respBlob = doInTransaction(new RetryingTransactionHelper.RetryingTransactionCallback<byte[]>()

                public byte[] execute() throws Throwable
                    // Process the security blob

                    if (isNTLMSSP)
                        // Process an NTLMSSP security blob

                        return doNtlmsspSessionSetup(sess, client, buf, secBlobPos, secBlobLen, isUni);
                        // Process an SPNEGO security blob

                        return doSpnegoSessionSetup(sess, client, buf, secBlobPos, secBlobLen, isUni);
        catch ( Exception ex)
            //  Cleanup any stored context
            sess.removeSetupObject( client.getProcessId());
            //  Convert to an access denied exception
            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied);

        // Debug
        if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() && sess.hasDebug(SMBSrvSession.DBG_NEGOTIATE))
            logger.debug("User " + client.getUserName() + " logged on " + (client != null ? " (type " + client.getLogonTypeString() + ")" : ""));

        //  Update the client information if not already set
        if ( sess.getClientInformation() == null ||
             sess.getClientInformation().getUserName().length() == 0) {
            //  Set the client details for the session

        //  Get the response blob length, it can be null
        int respLen = respBlob != null ? respBlob.length : 0;
      // Use the original packet for the response

      SMBSrvPacket respPkt = reqPkt;
        //  Check if there is/was a session setup object stored in the session, this indicates a multi-stage session
        //  setup so set the status code accordingly
        boolean loggedOn = false;
        if ( respBlob != null || sess.hasSetupObject( client.getProcessId()) || setupObj != null)
            //  NTLMSSP has two stages, if there is a stored setup object then indicate more processing
            //  required
            if ( sess.hasSetupObject( client.getProcessId()))
                respPkt.setLongErrorCode( SMBStatus.NTMoreProcessingRequired);
                respPkt.setLongErrorCode( SMBStatus.NTSuccess);
                // Indicate that the user is logged on
                loggedOn = true;

         // Set the parameter count then check if the security blob will fit into the current
         // packet buffer

         int reqLen = respLen + 100; // allow for strings

         if ( reqLen > respPkt.getAvailableLength()) {

            try {

               // Allocate a new buffer for the response

               respPkt = sess.getPacketPool().allocatePacket(respPkt.getByteOffset() + reqLen, reqPkt);
            catch (NoPooledMemoryException ex) {

               // DEBUG

               if ( Debug.EnableDbg && hasDebug())
                  Debug.println("Authenticator failed to allocate packet from pool, reqSiz="
                        + (respPkt.getByteOffset() + respLen));

               // Return a server error to the client

               throw new SMBSrvException(SMBStatus.NTInvalidParameter, SMBStatus.SRVNoBuffers, SMBStatus.ErrSrv);

         // Fill in the rest of the packet header

         respPkt.setParameter(0, 0xFF);    // No chained response
         respPkt.setParameter(1, 0);    // Offset to chained response

         respPkt.setParameter(2, 0);    // Action
         respPkt.setParameter(3, respLen);
            //  Build a completed session setup response
            respPkt.setLongErrorCode( SMBStatus.NTSuccess);
            //  Build the session setup response SMB
            respPkt.setParameter(0, 0xFF);      //  No chained response
            respPkt.setParameter(1, 0);         //  Offset to chained response
            respPkt.setParameter(2, SMBSrvSession.DefaultBufferSize);
            respPkt.setParameter(3, SMBSrvSession.NTMaxMultiplexed);
            respPkt.setParameter(4, 0);         //  virtual circuit number
            respPkt.setParameterLong(5, 0);     //  session key
            respPkt.setParameter(7, respLen);
                                                //  security blob length
            respPkt.setParameterLong(8, 0);     //  reserved
            respPkt.setParameterLong(10, getServerCapabilities());
            // Indicate that the user is logged on
            loggedOn = true;
        // If the user is logged on then allocate a virtual circuit

        int uid = 0;
        if ( loggedOn == true) {

          // Clear any stored session setup object for the logon
          sess.removeSetupObject( client.getProcessId());
          // Check if the user is an administrator
          checkForAdminUserName( client);
          // Get the users home folder node, if available
          getHomeFolderForUser( client);
          // Create a virtual circuit for the new logon
          VirtualCircuit vc = new VirtualCircuit( vcNum, client);
          uid = sess.addVirtualCircuit( vc);
          if ( uid == VirtualCircuit.InvalidUID)
             // DEBUG
             if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() && sess.hasDebug( SMBSrvSession.DBG_NEGOTIATE))
                logger.debug("Failed to allocate UID for virtual circuit, " + vc);
             // Failed to allocate a UID
             throw new SMBSrvException(SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
          else if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() && sess.hasDebug( SMBSrvSession.DBG_NEGOTIATE)) {
             // DEBUG
             logger.debug("Allocated UID=" + uid + " for VC=" + vc);
        // Common session setup response
        respPkt.setCommand( reqPkt.getCommand());

        respPkt.setTreeId( 0);
        respPkt.setUserId( uid);

        //  Set the various flags

        int flags = respPkt.getFlags();
        flags &= ~SMBSrvPacket.FLG_CASELESS;
        if ( isUni)
          flags2 += SMBSrvPacket.FLG2_UNICODE;
        respPkt.setFlags2( flags2);
        //  Pack the security blob

        int pos = respPkt.getByteOffset();
        byte[] buf1 = respPkt.getBuffer();

        if ( respBlob != null)
            System.arraycopy( respBlob, 0, buf1, pos, respBlob.length);
            pos += respBlob.length;
        // Pack the OS, dialect and domain name strings
        if ( isUni)
            pos = DataPacker.wordAlign(pos);

        pos = DataPacker.putString("Java", buf1, pos, true, isUni);
        pos = DataPacker.putString("Alfresco CIFS Server " + sess.getServer().isVersion(), buf1, pos, true, isUni);
        pos = DataPacker.putString(getCIFSConfig().getDomainName(), buf1, pos, true, isUni);
        respPkt.setByteCount(pos - respPkt.getByteOffset());
     * Process an NTLMSSP security blob
     * @param sess SMBSrvSession
     * @param client ClientInfo
     * @param secbuf byte[]
     * @param secpos int
     * @param seclen int
     * @param unicode boolean
     * @exception SMBSrvException
    private final byte[] doNtlmsspSessionSetup( SMBSrvSession sess, ClientInfo client,
            byte[] secbuf, int secpos, int seclen, boolean unicode) throws SMBSrvException
        // Determine the NTLmSSP message type
        int msgType = NTLMMessage.isNTLMType( secbuf, secpos);
        byte[] respBlob = null;
        if ( msgType == -1)
            // DEBUG
            if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Invalid NTLMSSP token received");
                logger.debug("  Token=" + HexDump.hexString( secbuf, secpos, seclen, " "));

            // Return a logon failure status
            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
        // Check for a type 1 NTLMSSP message
        else if ( msgType ==  NTLM.Type1)
            // Create the type 1 NTLM message from the token
            Type1NTLMMessage type1Msg = new Type1NTLMMessage( secbuf, secpos, seclen);
            //  Build the type 2 NTLM response message
            //  Get the flags from the client request and mask out unsupported features
            int ntlmFlags = type1Msg.getFlags() & NTLM_FLAGS;
            //  Generate a challenge for the response
            NTLanManAuthContext ntlmCtx = new NTLanManAuthContext();
            //  Build a type2 message to send back to the client, containing the challenge

            String domain = sess.getSMBServer().getServerName();
            List<TargetInfo> tList = new ArrayList<TargetInfo>();
            tList.add(new TargetInfo(NTLM.TargetDomain, domain));
            tList.add(new TargetInfo(NTLM.TargetServer, sess.getServerName()));
            tList.add(new TargetInfo(NTLM.TargetDNSDomain, domain));
            tList.add(new TargetInfo(NTLM.TargetFullDNS, domain));
            ntlmFlags = NTLM.FlagChallengeAccept + NTLM.FlagRequestTarget +
                        NTLM.Flag128Bit + NTLM.FlagNegotiateNTLM + NTLM.FlagNegotiateUnicode +
                        NTLM.FlagNTLM2Key + NTLM.FlagKeyExchange + NTLM.FlagTargetInfo;
            if ( acceptNTLMv1Logon())
                ntlmFlags += NTLM.Flag56Bit;
            // NTLM.FlagAlwaysSign + NTLM.FlagNegotiateSign +
            Type2NTLMMessage type2Msg = new Type2NTLMMessage();
            type2Msg.buildType2(ntlmFlags, domain, ntlmCtx.getChallenge(), null, tList);

            //  Store the type 2 message in the session until the session setup is complete
            sess.setSetupObject( client.getProcessId(), type2Msg);
            // Set the response blob using the type 2 message
            respBlob = type2Msg.getBytes();
        else if ( msgType == NTLM.Type3)
            //  Create the type 3 NTLM message from the token
            Type3NTLMMessage type3Msg = new Type3NTLMMessage( secbuf, secpos, seclen, unicode);
            //  Make sure a type 2 message was stored in the first stage of the session setup
            if ( sess.hasSetupObject( client.getProcessId()) == false || sess.getSetupObject( client.getProcessId()) instanceof Type2NTLMMessage == false)
                //  Clear the setup object
                sess.removeSetupObject( client.getProcessId());
                //  Return a logon failure

                throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);

            //  Determine if the client sent us NTLMv1 or NTLMv2
            if ( type3Msg.hasFlag( NTLM.Flag128Bit) && type3Msg.hasFlag( NTLM.FlagNTLM2Key))
                //  Determine if the client sent us an NTLMv2 blob or an NTLMv2 session key
                if ( type3Msg.getNTLMHashLength() > 24)
                    //  Looks like an NTLMv2 blob
                    doNTLMv2Logon( sess, client, type3Msg);

                    //  Debug
                    if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        logger.debug("Logged on using NTLMSSP/NTLMv2");
                    //  Looks like an NTLMv2 session key
                    doNTLMv2SessionKeyLogon( sess, client, type3Msg);

                    //  Debug
                    if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        logger.debug("Logged on using NTLMSSP/NTLMv2SessKey");
                //  Looks like an NTLMv1 blob
                doNTLMv1Logon( sess, client, type3Msg);

                //  Debug
                if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Logged on using NTLMSSP/NTLMv1");
        // Return the response blob
        return respBlob;

     * Process an SPNEGO security blob
     * @param sess SMBSrvSession
     * @param client ClientInfo
     * @param secbuf byte[]
     * @param secpos int
     * @param seclen int
     * @param unicode boolean
     * @exception SMBSrvException
    private final byte[] doSpnegoSessionSetup( SMBSrvSession sess, ClientInfo client,
            byte[] secbuf, int secpos, int seclen, boolean unicode) throws SMBSrvException
        //  Check the received token type, if it is a target token and there is a stored session setup object, this is the second
        //  stage of an NTLMSSP session setup that is wrapped with SPNEGO

        int tokType = -1;
            tokType = SPNEGO.checkTokenType( secbuf, secpos, seclen);
        catch ( IOException ex)

        //  Check for the second stage of an NTLMSSP logon
        NegTokenTarg negTarg = null;
        if ( tokType == SPNEGO.NegTokenTarg && sess.hasSetupObject( client.getProcessId()) && sess.getSetupObject( client.getProcessId()) instanceof Type2NTLMMessage)
            //  Get the NTLMSSP blob from the NegTokenTarg blob
            NegTokenTarg negToken = new NegTokenTarg();
                // Decode the security blob
                negToken.decode( secbuf, secpos, seclen);
            catch ( IOException ex)
                // Log the error
                // Return a logon failure status
                throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);

            //  Get the second stage NTLMSSP blob
            byte[] ntlmsspBlob = negToken.getResponseToken();

            //  Perform an NTLMSSP session setup
            byte[] ntlmsspRespBlob = doNtlmsspSessionSetup( sess, client, ntlmsspBlob, 0, ntlmsspBlob.length, unicode);
            //  NTLMSSP is a two stage process, set the SPNEGO status
            int spnegoSts = SPNEGO.AcceptCompleted;
            if ( sess.hasSetupObject( client.getProcessId()))
                spnegoSts = SPNEGO.AcceptIncomplete;
            //  Package the NTLMSSP response in an SPNEGO response

            negTarg = new NegTokenTarg( spnegoSts, null, ntlmsspRespBlob);
        else if ( tokType == SPNEGO.NegTokenInit)
            //  Parse the SPNEGO security blob to get the Kerberos ticket
            NegTokenInit negToken = new NegTokenInit();
                // Decode the security blob
                negToken.decode( secbuf, secpos, seclen);
            catch ( IOException ex)
                // Log the error
                // Return a logon failure status
                throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
            //  Determine the authentication mechanism the client is using and logon
            String oidStr = null;
            if ( negToken.numberOfOids() > 0)
                oidStr = negToken.getOidAt( 0).toString();
            if ( oidStr != null && oidStr.equals( OID.ID_NTLMSSP))
                //  NTLMSSP logon, get the NTLMSSP security blob that is inside the SPNEGO blob
                byte[] ntlmsspBlob = negToken.getMechtoken();
                //  Perform an NTLMSSP session setup
                byte[] ntlmsspRespBlob = doNtlmsspSessionSetup( sess, client, ntlmsspBlob, 0, ntlmsspBlob.length, unicode);
                //  NTLMSSP is a two stage process, set the SPNEGO status
                int spnegoSts = SPNEGO.AcceptCompleted;
                if ( sess.hasSetupObject( client.getProcessId()))
                    spnegoSts = SPNEGO.AcceptIncomplete;
                //  Package the NTLMSSP response in an SPNEGO response
                negTarg = new NegTokenTarg( spnegoSts, OID.NTLMSSP, ntlmsspRespBlob);
            else if (  oidStr != null && (oidStr.equals( OID.ID_MSKERBEROS5) || oidStr.equals(OID.ID_KERBEROS5)))
                //  Kerberos logon
                negTarg = doKerberosLogon( sess, negToken, client);
                //  Debug
                if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("No matching authentication OID found");
                    logger.debug("  " + negToken.toString());
                //  No valid authentication mechanism
                throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
            //  Unknown SPNEGO token type
            logger.error( "Unknown SPNEGO token type");
            // Return a logon failure status
            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
        // Generate the NegTokenTarg blob

        byte[] respBlob = null;
            // Generate the response blob
           respBlob = negTarg.encode();
        catch ( IOException ex)
            //  Debug
            if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Failed to encode NegTokenTarg", ex);

            //  Failed to build response blob
            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
        //  Return the SPNEGO response blob
        return respBlob;
     * Perform a Kerberos login and return an SPNEGO response
     * @param sess SMBSrvSession
     * @param negToken NegTokenInit
     * @param client ClientInfo
     * @return NegTokenTarg
     * @exception SMBSrvException
    private final NegTokenTarg doKerberosLogon( SMBSrvSession sess, NegTokenInit negToken, ClientInfo client)
        throws SMBSrvException
        //  Authenticate the user
        KerberosDetails krbDetails = null;
        NegTokenTarg negTokenTarg = null;
           // Parse the mechToken to get the AP-REQ details
           KerberosApReq krbApReq = new KerberosApReq();
           krbApReq.parseMechToken( negToken.getMechtoken());
           if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
              logger.debug( "Kerberos AP-REQ - " + krbApReq);
           // Check if mutual authentication is required

           KrbAuthContext krbAuthCtx = null;
           if ( krbApReq.hasMutualAuthentication())
              // Allocate the Kerberos authentication and parse the AP-REQ
              krbAuthCtx = new KrbAuthContext();
              // DEBUG
              if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                 logger.debug("Kerberos mutual auth required, parsing AP-REQ");
              try {
                 // Parse the AP-REQ
                 krbAuthCtx.parseKerberosApReq( m_loginContext.getSubject(), krbApReq);
              catch ( IOException ex)
                 // Failed to parse AP-REQ
                 if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Failed to parse AP-REQ, " + ex.toString());
                    // Return a logon failure status
                    throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.ErrDos, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied);
            //  Run the session setup as a privileged action
            SessionSetupPrivilegedAction sessSetupAction = new SessionSetupPrivilegedAction( m_accountName, negToken.getMechtoken());
            Object result = Subject.doAs( m_loginContext.getSubject(), sessSetupAction);
            if ( result != null)
                // Access the Kerberos response
                krbDetails = (KerberosDetails) result;

                // Determine the response OID
                Oid respOid = null;
                if ( negToken.hasOid( OID.MSKERBEROS5))
                   respOid = OID.MSKERBEROS5;
                   // DEBUG
                   if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                      logger.debug("Using OID MS Kerberos5 for NegTokenTarg");
                   respOid = OID.KERBEROS5;
                   // DEBUG
                   if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                      logger.debug("Using OID Kerberos5 for NegTokenTarg");

                // If mutual authentication is required then we unpack the AP-REP and add in the missing
                // subkey that the AD client requires
                if ( krbAuthCtx != null)
                      // Parse the AP-REP and add the missing subkey, return the updated response blob
                      byte[] respToken = krbAuthCtx.parseKerberosApRep( krbDetails.getResponseToken());
                      // Create the NegtokenTarg
                      negTokenTarg = new NegTokenTarg( SPNEGO.AcceptCompleted, respOid, krbDetails.getResponseToken());
                      // DEBUG
                      if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                         logger.debug("Created NegTokenTarg using updated AP-REP, added subkey");
                   catch (Exception ex)
                    if ( logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                       logger.debug("AP-REP Error:");
                       logger.debug( ex);
                   // Create the NegTokenTarg response blob
                   negTokenTarg = new NegTokenTarg( SPNEGO.AcceptCompleted, respOid, krbDetails.getResponseToken());
                   // DEBUG
                   if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                      logger.debug("Created NegTokenTarg using standard Krb5 API response");
               // Check if this is a null logon
               String userName = krbDetails.getUserName();
               if ( userName != null)
                  // Check for the machine account name
                    // ALF-4395: Sometimes machine account name comes lowercase
                    // and new Alfresco user is being created with machine name
                    // if ( userName.endsWith( "$") && userName.equals( userName.toUpperCase()))
                    if ( userName.endsWith( "$"))
                     // Null logon
                      client.setLogonType( ClientInfo.LogonNull);

                      //  Debug
                        if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                            logger.debug("Machine account logon, " + userName + ", as null logon");
                        // Set the current user to be authenticated, save the authentication token

                            AlfrescoClientInfo alfClient = (AlfrescoClientInfo) client;
                            getAuthenticationComponent().setCurrentUser( mapUserNameToPerson(krbDetails.getUserName()));
                            alfClient.setAuthenticationTicket(getAuthenticationService().getCurrentTicket() );
                        catch (AuthenticationException e)
                            // Invalid user or max tickets exceeded. Return a logon failure status
                            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.ErrDos, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied);
                        // Store the full user name in the client information, indicate that this is not a guest logon
                        // ALF-4599: CIFS access to alfresco creates wrong users with Realm suffix
                        // client.setUserName( krbDetails.getSourceName());
                        client.setUserName( krbDetails.getUserName());
                        client.setGuest( false);
                        // Indicate that the session is logged on
                  // Null logon
                  client.setLogonType( ClientInfo.LogonNull);
                // Indicate that the session is logged on
                //  Debug
                if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                   logger.debug("Logged on using Kerberos, user " + userName);
               // Debug
               if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                  logger.debug( "No SPNEGO response, Kerberos logon failed");
                // Return a logon failure status
                throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.ErrDos, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Log the error
           if ( logger.isErrorEnabled()) {
              logger.error("Kerberos logon error");
            // Return a logon failure status
            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.ErrDos, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied);
        // Return the response SPNEGO blob
        return negTokenTarg;
     * Perform an NTLMv1 logon using the NTLMSSP type3 message
     * @param sess SMBSrvSession
     * @param client ClientInfo
     * @param type3Msg Type3NTLMMessage
     * @exception SMBSrvException
    private final void doNTLMv1Logon(SMBSrvSession sess, ClientInfo client, Type3NTLMMessage type3Msg)
        throws SMBSrvException
        // Check if NTLMv1 logons are allowed
        if ( acceptNTLMv1Logon() == false)
            //  NTLMv1 password hashes not accepted
            logger.warn("NTLMv1 not accepted, client " + sess.getRemoteName());
            //  Return a logon failure

            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
        //  Get the type 2 message that contains the challenge sent to the client
        Type2NTLMMessage type2Msg = (Type2NTLMMessage) sess.getSetupObject( client.getProcessId());
        sess.removeSetupObject( client.getProcessId());
        // Check if we are using local MD4 password hashes or passthru authentication
        if ( getNTLMAuthenticator().getNTLMMode() == NTLMMode.MD4_PROVIDER)
            // Get the NTLM logon details
            String userName = type3Msg.getUserName();
            //  Check for a null logon
            if ( userName.length() == 0)
                //  DEBUG
                if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Null logon");
                //  Indicate a null logon in the client information
                client.setLogonType( ClientInfo.LogonNull);
            //  Get the stored MD4 hashed password for the user, or null if the user does not exist
            String md4hash = getNTLMAuthenticator().getMD4HashedPassword(userName);
            if ( md4hash != null)
                // Generate the local encrypted password using the challenge that was sent to the client
                byte[] p21 = new byte[21];
                byte[] md4byts = m_md4Encoder.decodeHash(md4hash);
                System.arraycopy(md4byts, 0, p21, 0, 16);
                // Generate the local hash of the password using the same challenge
                byte[] localHash = null;
                    localHash = getEncryptor().doNTLM1Encryption(p21, type2Msg.getChallenge());
                catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex)
                // Validate the password
                byte[] clientHash = type3Msg.getNTLMHash();

                if ( clientHash != null && localHash != null && clientHash.length == localHash.length)
                    int i = 0;

                    while ( i < clientHash.length && clientHash[i] == localHash[i])
                    if ( i != clientHash.length)
                        //  Return a logon failure

                        throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);

                // Setup the Acegi authenticated user
                    AlfrescoClientInfo alfClient = (AlfrescoClientInfo) client;
                    getAuthenticationComponent().setCurrentUser( mapUserNameToPerson(userName));               
                catch (AuthenticationException e)
                    // Invalid user or max tickets exceeded. Return a logon failure status

                    throw new SMBSrvException(SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.ErrDos, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied);
                // Store the full user name in the client information, indicate that this is not a guest logon
                client.setUserName( userName.toLowerCase());
                client.setGuest( false);
                // Indicate that the session is logged on
                //  Log a warning, user does not exist
                logger.warn("User does not exist, " + userName);
                //  Return a logon failure

                throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
            //  Log a warning, authentication component does not support MD4 hashed passwords
            logger.warn("Authentication component does not support MD4 password hashes");
            //  Return a logon failure

            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);

     * Perform an NTLMv1 logon using the NTLMSSP type3 message
     * @param sess SMBSrvSession
     * @param client ClientInfo
     * @exception SMBSrvException
    private final void doNTLMv1Logon(SMBSrvSession sess, ClientInfo client)
        throws SMBSrvException
        // Check if NTLMv1 logons are allowed
        if ( acceptNTLMv1Logon() == false)
            //  NTLMv1 password hashes not accepted
            logger.warn("NTLMv1 not accepted, client " + sess.getRemoteName());
            //  Return a logon failure

            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
        // Check if we are using local MD4 password hashes or passthru authentication
        if ( getNTLMAuthenticator().getNTLMMode() == NTLMMode.MD4_PROVIDER)
            //  Check for a null logon
            if ( client.getUserName().length() == 0)
                //  DEBUG
                if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Null logon");
                //  Indicate a null logon in the client information
                client.setLogonType( ClientInfo.LogonNull);
            //  Get the stored MD4 hashed password for the user, or null if the user does not exist
            String md4hash = getNTLMAuthenticator().getMD4HashedPassword(client.getUserName());
            if ( md4hash != null)
                // Generate the local encrypted password using the challenge that was sent to the client
                byte[] p21 = new byte[21];
                byte[] md4byts = m_md4Encoder.decodeHash(md4hash);
                System.arraycopy(md4byts, 0, p21, 0, 16);

                // Get the challenge that was sent to the client during negotiation
                byte[] challenge = null;
                if ( sess.hasAuthenticationContext())
                    // Get the challenge from the authentication context
                    NTLanManAuthContext ntlmCtx = (NTLanManAuthContext) sess.getAuthenticationContext();
                    challenge = ntlmCtx.getChallenge();
                // Generate the local hash of the password using the same challenge
                byte[] localHash = null;
                    localHash = getEncryptor().doNTLM1Encryption(p21, challenge);
                catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex)
                // Validate the password
                byte[] clientHash = client.getPassword();
                if ( clientHash != null && localHash != null && clientHash.length == localHash.length)
                    int i = 0;

                    while ( i < clientHash.length && clientHash[i] == localHash[i])
                    if ( i != clientHash.length)
                        //  Return a logon failure

                        throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);

                // Setup the Acegi authenticated user
                    AlfrescoClientInfo alfClient = (AlfrescoClientInfo) client;
                    getAuthenticationComponent().setCurrentUser( mapUserNameToPerson(client.getUserName()));               
                catch (AuthenticationException e)
                    // Invalid user or max tickets exceeded. Return a logon failure status

                    throw new SMBSrvException(SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.ErrDos, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied);
                // Store the full user name in the client information, indicate that this is not a guest logon
                client.setGuest( false);
                // Indicate that the session is logged on
                //  Log a warning, user does not exist
                logger.warn("User does not exist, " + client.getUserName());
                //  Return a logon failure

                throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
            //  Log a warning, authentication component does not support MD4 hashed passwords
            logger.warn("Authentication component does not support MD4 password hashes");
            //  Return a logon failure

            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);

     * Perform an NTLMv2 logon using the NTLMSSP type3 message
     * @param sess SMBSrvSession
     * @param client ClientInfo
     * @param type3Msg Type3NTLMMessage
     * @exception SMBSrvException
    private final void doNTLMv2Logon(SMBSrvSession sess, ClientInfo client, Type3NTLMMessage type3Msg)
        throws SMBSrvException
        //  Get the type 2 message that contains the challenge sent to the client
        Type2NTLMMessage type2Msg = (Type2NTLMMessage) sess.getSetupObject( client.getProcessId());
        sess.removeSetupObject( client.getProcessId());
         // Check if we are using local MD4 password hashes or passthru authentication
        if ( getNTLMAuthenticator().getNTLMMode() == NTLMMode.MD4_PROVIDER)
            // Get the NTLM logon details
            String userName = type3Msg.getUserName();
            //  Check for a null logon
            if ( userName.length() == 0)
                //  DEBUG
                if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Null logon");
                //  Indicate a null logon in the client information
                client.setLogonType( ClientInfo.LogonNull);
            //  Get the stored MD4 hashed password for the user, or null if the user does not exist
            String md4hash = getNTLMAuthenticator().getMD4HashedPassword(userName);
            if ( md4hash != null)
                    // Generate the v2 hash using the challenge that was sent to the client
                    byte[] v2hash = getEncryptor().doNTLM2Encryption( m_md4Encoder.decodeHash(md4hash), type3Msg.getUserName(), type3Msg.getDomain());
                    // Get the NTLMv2 blob sent by the client and the challenge that was sent by the server
                    NTLMv2Blob v2blob = new NTLMv2Blob(type3Msg.getNTLMHash());
                    byte[] srvChallenge = type2Msg.getChallenge();
                    // Calculate the HMAC of the received blob and compare
                    byte[] srvHmac = v2blob.calculateHMAC( srvChallenge, v2hash);
                    byte[] clientHmac = v2blob.getHMAC();
                    if ( clientHmac != null && srvHmac != null && clientHmac.length == srvHmac.length)
                        int i = 0;
                        while ( i < clientHmac.length && clientHmac[i] == srvHmac[i])
                        if ( i != clientHmac.length)
                            //  Return a logon failure
                            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
                    // Setup the Acegi authenticated user
                    AlfrescoClientInfo alfClient = (AlfrescoClientInfo) client;
                    getAuthenticationComponent().setCurrentUser( mapUserNameToPerson( userName));               
                    // Store the full user name in the client information, indicate that this is not a guest logon
                    client.setUserName( userName.toLowerCase());
                    client.setGuest( false);
                    // Indicate that the session is logged on
                catch ( Exception ex)
                    // Log the error
                    if (ex instanceof AuthenticationException)
                    //  Return a logon failure

                    throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
                //  Log a warning, user does not exist
                logger.warn("User does not exist, " + userName);
                //  Return a logon failure

                throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
            //  Log a warning, authentication component does not support MD4 hashed passwords
            logger.warn("Authentication component does not support MD4 password hashes");
            //  Return a logon failure

            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
     * Perform an NTLMv2 logon using the NTLMSSP type3 message
     * @param sess SMBSrvSession
     * @param client ClientInfo
     * @exception SMBSrvException
    private final void doNTLMv2Logon(SMBSrvSession sess, ClientInfo client)
        throws SMBSrvException
        // Check if we are using local MD4 password hashes or passthru authentication
        if ( getNTLMAuthenticator().getNTLMMode() == NTLMMode.MD4_PROVIDER)
            //  Check for a null logon
            if ( client.getUserName().length() == 0)
                //  DEBUG
                if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Null logon");
                //  Indicate a null logon in the client information
                client.setLogonType( ClientInfo.LogonNull);
            //  Get the stored MD4 hashed password for the user, or null if the user does not exist
            String md4hash = getNTLMAuthenticator().getMD4HashedPassword(client.getUserName());
            if ( md4hash != null)
                    // Create the NTLMv2 blob from the received hashed password bytes
                    NTLMv2Blob v2blob = new NTLMv2Blob(client.getPassword());
                    // Generate the v2 hash using the challenge that was sent to the client
                    byte[] v2hash = getEncryptor().doNTLM2Encryption( m_md4Encoder.decodeHash(md4hash), client.getUserName(), client.getDomain());

                    // Get the challenge that was sent to the client during negotiation
                    byte[] srvChallenge = null;
                    if ( sess.hasAuthenticationContext())
                        // Get the challenge from the authentication context
                        NTLanManAuthContext ntlmCtx = (NTLanManAuthContext) sess.getAuthenticationContext();
                        srvChallenge = ntlmCtx.getChallenge();
                    // Calculate the HMAC of the received blob and compare
                    byte[] srvHmac = v2blob.calculateHMAC( srvChallenge, v2hash);
                    byte[] clientHmac = v2blob.getHMAC();
                    if ( clientHmac != null && srvHmac != null && clientHmac.length == srvHmac.length)
                        int i = 0;
                        while ( i < clientHmac.length && clientHmac[i] == srvHmac[i])
                        if ( i != clientHmac.length)
                            //  Return a logon failure
                            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
                    // Setup the Acegi authenticated user
                    AlfrescoClientInfo alfClient = (AlfrescoClientInfo) client;
                    getAuthenticationComponent().setCurrentUser( mapUserNameToPerson( client.getUserName()));               
                    // Store the full user name in the client information, indicate that this is not a guest logon
                    client.setGuest( false);
                    // Indicate that the session is logged on
                catch ( Exception ex)
                    // Log the error
                    if (ex instanceof AuthenticationException)
                    //  Return a logon failure

                    throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
                //  Log a warning, user does not exist
                logger.warn("User does not exist, " + client.getUserName());
                //  Return a logon failure

                throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
            //  Log a warning, authentication component does not support MD4 hashed passwords
            logger.warn("Authentication component does not support MD4 password hashes");
            //  Return a logon failure

            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
     * Perform an NTLMv2 session key logon
     * @param sess SMBSrvSession
     * @param client ClientInfo
     * @param type3Msg Type3NTLMMessage
     * @exception SMBSrvException
    private final void doNTLMv2SessionKeyLogon(SMBSrvSession sess, ClientInfo client, Type3NTLMMessage type3Msg)
       throws SMBSrvException
        //  Get the type 2 message that contains the challenge sent to the client
        Type2NTLMMessage type2Msg = (Type2NTLMMessage) sess.getSetupObject( client.getProcessId());
        sess.removeSetupObject( client.getProcessId());

        // Check if we are using local MD4 password hashes or passthru authentication
        if ( getNTLMAuthenticator().getNTLMMode() == NTLMMode.MD4_PROVIDER)
            // Get the NTLM logon details
            String userName = type3Msg.getUserName();
            //  Check for a null logon
            if ( userName.length() == 0)
                //  DEBUG
                if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Null logon");
                //  Indicate a null logon in the client information
                client.setLogonType( ClientInfo.LogonNull);
            //  Get the stored MD4 hashed password for the user, or null if the user does not exist
            String md4hash = getNTLMAuthenticator().getMD4HashedPassword(userName);
            if ( md4hash != null)
                // Create the value to be encrypted by appending the server challenge and client challenge
                // and applying an MD5 digest
                byte[] nonce = new byte[16];
                System.arraycopy( type2Msg.getChallenge(), 0, nonce, 0, 8);
                System.arraycopy( type3Msg.getLMHash(), 0, nonce, 8, 8);
                MessageDigest md5 = null;
                byte[] v2challenge = new byte[8];
                    //  Create the MD5 digest
                    md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance( "MD5");
                    //  Apply the MD5 digest to the nonce
                    md5.update( nonce);
                    byte[] md5nonce = md5.digest();
                    //  We only want the first 8 bytes
                    System.arraycopy( md5nonce, 0, v2challenge, 0, 8);
                catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ex)
                    // Log the error
                    logger.error( ex);
                // Generate the local encrypted password using the MD5 generated challenge
                byte[] p21 = new byte[21];
                byte[] md4byts = m_md4Encoder.decodeHash(md4hash);
                System.arraycopy(md4byts, 0, p21, 0, 16);
                // Generate the local hash of the password
                byte[] localHash = null;
                    localHash = getEncryptor().doNTLM1Encryption(p21, v2challenge);
                catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex)
                    // Log the error
                    logger.error( ex);
                // Validate the password
                byte[] clientHash = type3Msg.getNTLMHash();

                if ( clientHash != null && localHash != null && clientHash.length == localHash.length)
                    int i = 0;

                    while ( i < clientHash.length && clientHash[i] == localHash[i])
                    if ( i != clientHash.length)
                        //  Return a logon failure

                        throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);

                // Setup the Acegi authenticated user
                    AlfrescoClientInfo alfClient = (AlfrescoClientInfo) client;
                    getAuthenticationComponent().setCurrentUser( mapUserNameToPerson( userName));               
                catch (AuthenticationException e)
                    // Invalid user or max tickets exceeded. Return a logon failure status

                    throw new SMBSrvException(SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.ErrDos, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied);
                // Store the full user name in the client information, indicate that this is not a guest logon
                client.setUserName( userName.toLowerCase());
                client.setGuest( false);
                // Indicate that the session is logged on
                //  Log a warning, user does not exist
                logger.warn("User does not exist, " + userName);
                //  Return a logon failure

                throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
            //  Log a warning, authentication component does not support MD4 hashed passwords
            logger.warn("Authentication component does not support MD4 password hashes");
            //  Return a logon failure

            throw new SMBSrvException( SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
     * Perform a hashed password logon using either NTLMv1 or NTLMv2
     * @param sess SMBSrvSession
     * @param reqPkt SMBSrvPacket
     * @exception SMBSrvException
    private final void doHashedPasswordLogon( SMBSrvSession sess, SMBSrvPacket reqPkt)
        throws SMBSrvException
        // Check that the received packet looks like a valid NT session setup andX request

        if (reqPkt.checkPacketIsValid(13, 0) == false)
            throw new SMBSrvException(SMBStatus.NTInvalidParameter, SMBStatus.SRVNonSpecificError, SMBStatus.ErrSrv);

        // Extract the session details

        int maxBufSize = reqPkt.getParameter(2);
        int maxMpx = reqPkt.getParameter(3);
        int vcNum = reqPkt.getParameter(4);
        int ascPwdLen = reqPkt.getParameter(7);
        int uniPwdLen = reqPkt.getParameter(8);
        int capabs = reqPkt.getParameterLong(11);

        // Extract the client details from the session setup request

        byte[] buf = reqPkt.getBuffer();

        // Determine if ASCII or unicode strings are being used

        boolean isUni = reqPkt.isUnicode();

        // Extract the password strings

        byte[] ascPwd = reqPkt.unpackBytes(ascPwdLen);
        byte[] uniPwd = reqPkt.unpackBytes(uniPwdLen);

        // Extract the user name string

        String user = reqPkt.unpackString(isUni);

        if (user == null)
            throw new SMBSrvException(SMBStatus.NTInvalidParameter, SMBStatus.SRVNonSpecificError, SMBStatus.ErrSrv);

        // Extract the clients primary domain name string

        String domain = "";

        if (reqPkt.hasMoreData())

            // Extract the callers domain name

            domain = reqPkt.unpackString(isUni);

            if (domain == null)
                throw new SMBSrvException(SMBStatus.NTInvalidParameter, SMBStatus.SRVNonSpecificError, SMBStatus.ErrSrv);

        // Extract the clients native operating system

        String clientOS = "";

        if (reqPkt.hasMoreData())

            // Extract the callers operating system name

            clientOS = reqPkt.unpackString(isUni);

            if (clientOS == null)
                throw new SMBSrvException(SMBStatus.NTInvalidParameter, SMBStatus.SRVNonSpecificError, SMBStatus.ErrSrv);

        // DEBUG

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && sess.hasDebug(SMBSrvSession.DBG_NEGOTIATE))
            logger.debug("NT Session setup from user=" + user + ", password="
                    + (uniPwd != null ? HexDump.hexString(uniPwd) : "none") + ", ANSIpwd="
                    + (ascPwd != null ? HexDump.hexString(ascPwd) : "none") + ", domain=" + domain + ", os=" + clientOS
                    + ", VC=" + vcNum + ", maxBuf=" + maxBufSize + ", maxMpx=" + maxMpx
                    + ", authCtx=" + sess.getAuthenticationContext());
            logger.debug("  MID=" + reqPkt.getMultiplexId() + ", UID=" + reqPkt.getUserId() + ", PID="
                    + reqPkt.getProcessId());

        // Store the client maximum buffer size, maximum multiplexed requests count and client
        // capability flags


        // Create the client information and store in the session

        ClientInfo client = new AlfrescoClientInfo(user, uniPwd);

        if (sess.hasRemoteAddress())

        // Check if this is a null session logon

        if (user.length() == 0 && domain.length() == 0 && uniPwdLen == 0)

        // Authenticate the user using the Unicode password hash, this is either NTLMv1 or NTLMv2 encoded

        boolean isGuest = false;

        if ( uniPwd != null)
            if ( uniPwd.length == 24)
                // NTLMv1 hashed password
                doNTLMv1Logon(sess, client);

                //  Debug
                if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Logged on using Hashed/NTLMv1");
            else if ( uniPwd.length > 0)
                // NTLMv2 blob
                doNTLMv2Logon( sess, client);

                //  Debug
                if ( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Logged on using Hashed/NTLMv2");
        // Check if the user was logged on as guest
        if ( client.isGuest())

            // Guest logon

            isGuest = true;

            // DEBUG

            if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && sess.hasDebug(SMBSrvSession.DBG_NEGOTIATE))
                logger.debug("User " + user + ", logged on as guest");

        // Create a virtual circuit and allocate a UID to the new circuit

        VirtualCircuit vc = new VirtualCircuit( vcNum, client);
        int uid = sess.addVirtualCircuit( vc);
        if ( uid == VirtualCircuit.InvalidUID)
           // DEBUG
           if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() && sess.hasDebug( SMBSrvSession.DBG_NEGOTIATE))
              logger.debug("Failed to allocate UID for virtual circuit, " + vc);
           // Failed to allocate a UID
           throw new SMBSrvException(SMBStatus.NTLogonFailure, SMBStatus.DOSAccessDenied, SMBStatus.ErrDos);
        else if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() && sess.hasDebug( SMBSrvSession.DBG_NEGOTIATE))
           // DEBUG
           logger.debug("Allocated UID=" + uid + " for VC=" + vc);
        // Set the guest flag for the client, indicate that the session is logged on


        // Build the session setup response SMB

        reqPkt.setParameter(0, 0); // No chained response
        reqPkt.setParameter(1, 0); // Offset to chained response
        reqPkt.setParameter(2, isGuest ? 1 : 0);


        // Set the various flags

        int flags = reqPkt.getFlags();
        flags &= ~SMBSrvPacket.FLG_CASELESS;

        int flags2 = SMBSrvPacket.FLG2_LONGFILENAMES;
        if (isUni)
            flags2 += SMBSrvPacket.FLG2_UNICODE;

        // Pack the OS, dialect and domain name strings.

        int pos = reqPkt.getByteOffset();
        buf = reqPkt.getBuffer();

        if (isUni)
            pos = DataPacker.wordAlign(pos);

        pos = DataPacker.putString("Java", buf, pos, true, isUni);
        pos = DataPacker.putString("Alfresco CIFS Server " + sess.getServer().isVersion(), buf, pos, true, isUni);
        pos = DataPacker.putString(getCIFSConfig().getDomainName(), buf, pos, true, isUni);

        reqPkt.setByteCount(pos - reqPkt.getByteOffset());
When I start the server and try \\testA\Alfresco in Windows Explorer here’s what I get:
“Windows cannot access \\testA\Alfresco You do not have permission to access \\testA\Alfresco Contact your network administrator to request access.”
What am I doing wrong?  Smiley Surprisedops:

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

which Alfresco version are you using. Your profile states 3.4 - in that case, you should no longer use the file-servers.xml to configure any file server related functionality, since this has moved to the file server subsystem.

Other than that, CIFS is a beast that I find hard to provide any kind of remote support - especially with custom authenticators. Windows usually displays some non-sensical messages that do not come close to the actual problem. Without some complete / detailed log output of your Alfresco server and maybe even a network packet trace, I fear not a lot of people may be able to help in this matter.

My advice:
1) Adapt your setup to work using the proper file server subsystem configuration files
2) Adapt your code to include Log4j-based logging instead of System.out (which is very unhandy)
3) Set your logger to the finest granularity in
4) Set cifs/smb loggers of Alfresco to the finest granularity
5) Provide your log output in this thread


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi again!
Thanks for the answer Axel and yes, I am using Alfresco 3.4.d
So, I set some things in and… here’s the code
cifs config in
authentication.chain=ldap-ad1:ldap-ad, alfrescoNtlm1:alfrescoNtlm
cifs.enabled = true
cifs.serverName = iandreeva
cifs.domain =
cifs.hostannounce = true
cifs.sessionTimeout = 400
config in
log4j.appender.File.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %-5p [%c{2}] %m%n$ChildApplicationContext=warn
# CIFS server debugging
and the alfresco.log:
15:29:03,409 INFO  [config.JndiPropertiesFactoryBean] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:03,409 INFO  [config.JndiPropertiesFactoryBean] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:29:03,409 INFO  [config.JndiPropertiesFactoryBean] Loading properties file from file [C:\Alfresco\tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\module\org_alfresco_module_dod5015\]
15:29:03,409 INFO  [config.JndiPropertiesFactoryBean] Loading properties file from file [C:\Alfresco\tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\module\org_alfresco_module_wcmquickstart\]
15:29:03,425 INFO  [config.JndiPropertiesFactoryBean] Loading properties file from file [C:\Alfresco\tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\module\test\]
15:29:03,425 INFO  [config.JndiPropertiesFactoryBean] Loading properties file from file [C:\Alfresco\tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\module\tests\]
15:29:03,425 INFO  [config.JndiPropertiesFactoryBean] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/]
15:29:03,520 INFO  [config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:03,707 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:03,785 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:29:03,847 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/]
15:29:03,847 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/]
15:29:35,522 WARN  [beans.GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptor] Invalid JavaBean property 'serviceBeans' being accessed! Ambiguous write methods found next to actually used [public void org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSServerFactoryBean.setServiceBeans(java.lang.Object[])]: [public void org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSServerFactoryBean.setServiceBeans(java.util.List)]
15:29:39,962 WARN  [ocr.OCRServiceImpl] Failed to set rotationBeforeOcrMaxSizeProperty due to For input string: "${ocr.autoorient.maxsize}"
15:29:42,300 INFO  [webscripts.TemplateProcessorRegistry] Registered template processor Repository Template Processor for extension ftl
15:29:42,306 INFO  [webscripts.ScriptProcessorRegistry] Registered script processor Repository Script Processor for extension js
15:29:49,390 INFO  [schema.SchemaBootstrap] Schema managed by database dialect org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect.
15:29:50,198 INFO  [schema.SchemaBootstrap] No changes were made to the schema.
15:29:50,433 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'sysAdmin' subsystem, ID: [sysAdmin, default]
15:29:50,452 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:50,453 INFO  [config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:50,453 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:29:50,454 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/]
15:29:50,454 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/]
15:29:50,584 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'sysAdmin' subsystem, ID: [sysAdmin, default] complete
15:29:52,618 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'thirdparty' subsystem, ID: [thirdparty, default]
15:29:52,637 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:52,638 INFO  [config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:52,639 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:29:52,640 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/]
15:29:52,640 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/]
15:29:52,985 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'thirdparty' subsystem, ID: [thirdparty, default] complete
15:29:52,986 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'OOoDirect' subsystem, ID: [OOoDirect, default]
15:29:53,002 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:53,003 INFO  [config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:53,003 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:29:53,005 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/]
15:29:53,005 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/]
15:29:53,466 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'OOoDirect' subsystem, ID: [OOoDirect, default] complete
15:29:56,858 INFO  [admin.ConfigurationChecker] The Alfresco root data directory ('dir.root') is: C:\Alfresco\alf_data
15:29:56,977 INFO  [patch.PatchExecuter] Checking for patches to apply …
15:29:58,559 INFO  [patch.PatchExecuter] No patches were required.
15:29:58,597 INFO  [module.ModuleServiceImpl] Found 4 module(s).
15:29:58,708 INFO  [module.ModuleServiceImpl] Starting module 'org_alfresco_module_wcmquickstart' version 1.0.
15:29:58,789 INFO  [module.ModuleServiceImpl] Starting module 'org_alfresco_module_dod5015' version 1.0.
15:29:58,932 INFO  [module.ModuleServiceImpl] Starting module 'org.alfresco.module.vti' version 1.2.
15:29:59,004 INFO  [module.ModuleServiceImpl] Starting module 'org.alfresco.module.quickr' version 1.0.
15:29:59,037 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'fileServers' subsystem, ID: [fileServers, default]
15:29:59,056 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:59,056 INFO  [config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:59,057 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:29:59,058 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/]
15:29:59,058 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/]
15:29:59,493 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'Authentication' subsystem, ID: [Authentication, managed, ldap-ad1]
15:29:59,514 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:59,515 INFO  [config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:59,516 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:29:59,517 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/]
15:29:59,522 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/]
15:29:59,753 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'Authentication' subsystem, ID: [Authentication, managed, ldap-ad1] complete
15:29:59,753 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'Authentication' subsystem, ID: [Authentication, managed, alfrescoNtlm1]
15:29:59,777 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:59,784 INFO  [config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:29:59,784 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:29:59,785 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/]
15:29:59,785 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/]
15:30:00,437 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'Authentication' subsystem, ID: [Authentication, managed, alfrescoNtlm1] complete
15:30:00,447 ERROR [alfresco.fileserver] java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no Win32NetBIOS in java.library.path
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no Win32NetBIOS in java.library.path
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
   at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
   at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
   at org.alfresco.jlan.netbios.win32.Win32NetBIOS.<clinit>(
   at org.alfresco.filesys.AbstractServerConfigurationBean.getLocalDomainName(
   at org.alfresco.filesys.config.ServerConfigurationBean.processCIFSServerConfig(
   at org.alfresco.filesys.AbstractServerConfigurationBean.init(
   at org.alfresco.filesys.AbstractServerConfigurationBean.onApplicationEvent(
   at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.multicastEvent(
   at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.multicastEvent(
   at org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader.createWebApplicationContext(
   at org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader.initWebApplicationContext(
   at org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener.contextInitialized(
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart(
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
   at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(
   at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
   at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor(
   at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptors(
   at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployApps(
   at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(
   at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.lifecycleEvent(
   at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleSupport.fireLifecycleEvent(
   at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
   at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(
   at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
   at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
   at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
   at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
15:30:00,451 ERROR [alfresco.fileserver] Error accessing Win32 NetBIOS, check DLL is on the path
15:30:00,528 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'fileServers' subsystem, ID: [fileServers, default] complete
15:30:00,528 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'imap' subsystem, ID: [imap, default]
15:30:00,547 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:30:00,548 INFO  [config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:30:00,548 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:30:00,566 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/]
15:30:00,566 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/]
15:30:01,322 INFO  [imap.AlfrescoImapServer] ImapServer started on host:port
15:30:01,333 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'imap' subsystem, ID: [imap, default] complete
15:30:01,333 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'email' subsystem, ID: [email, outbound]
15:30:01,365 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:30:01,366 INFO  [config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:30:01,366 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:30:01,411 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/]
15:30:01,411 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/]
15:30:01,602 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'email' subsystem, ID: [email, outbound] complete
15:30:01,602 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'email' subsystem, ID: [email, inbound]
15:30:01,617 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:30:01,618 INFO  [config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:30:01,618 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:30:01,620 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/]
15:30:01,620 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/]
15:30:01,707 WARN  [beans.GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptor] Invalid JavaBean property 'blockedSenders' being accessed! Ambiguous write methods found next to actually used [public void]: [public void]
15:30:01,707 WARN  [beans.GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptor] Invalid JavaBean property 'allowedSenders' being accessed! Ambiguous write methods found next to actually used [public void]: [public void]
15:30:01,745 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'email' subsystem, ID: [email, inbound] complete
15:30:01,745 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'googledocs' subsystem, ID: [googledocs, default]
15:30:01,816 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:30:01,816 INFO  [config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:30:01,817 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:30:01,818 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/]
15:30:01,818 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/]
15:30:02,359 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'googledocs' subsystem, ID: [googledocs, default] complete
15:30:02,393 INFO  [usage.UserUsageTrackingComponent] Enabled - calculate missing user usages …
15:30:02,423 INFO  [usage.UserUsageTrackingComponent] Found 0 users to recalculate
15:30:02,423 INFO  [usage.UserUsageTrackingComponent] … calculated missing usages for 0 users
15:30:02,423 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'Synchronization' subsystem, ID: [Synchronization, default]
15:30:02,439 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:30:02,440 INFO  [config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:30:02,440 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:30:02,473 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/]
15:30:02,474 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/]
15:30:02,670 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] Synchronizing users and groups with user registry 'ldap-ad1'
15:30:02,704 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] Retrieving groups changed since Jul 25, 2012 10:22:38 AM from user registry 'ldap-ad1'
15:30:02,792 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] ldap-ad1 Group Analysis: Commencing batch of 0 entries
15:30:02,795 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] ldap-ad1 Group Analysis: Completed batch of 0 entries
15:30:02,806 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] Retrieving users changed since Jul 25, 2012 10:23:34 AM from user registry 'ldap-ad1'
15:30:02,827 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] ldap-ad1 User Creation and Association: Commencing batch of 0 entries
15:30:02,827 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] ldap-ad1 User Creation and Association: Completed batch of 0 entries
15:30:02,929 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] Finished synchronizing users and groups with user registry 'ldap-ad1'
15:30:02,929 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] 0 user(s) and 0 group(s) processed
15:30:02,975 INFO  [sync.DepartmentUserSynchronizer] Beggining Department user synchronization…
15:30:10,067 INFO  [sync.DepartmentUserSynchronizer] Updated: []
15:30:10,068 INFO  [sync.DepartmentUserSynchronizer] Failed to update: [tester8, tester7, tester9, tester4, tester3, tester79, tester6, tester78, tester5, tester2, tester1, tester83, tester84, tester81, tester82, tester87, tester88, tester85, tester86, tester80, tester68, tester67, tester69, tester70, tester71, tester72, tester73, tester74, tester75, tester76, tester77, tester119, tester117, tester118, tester111, tester112, tester110, tester115, tester59, tester116, tester58, tester113, tester57, tester114, tester56, tester65, tester66, tester63, tester64, tester61, tester62, tester60, tester106, tester107, tester108, tester109, tester49, tester100, tester101, tester102, tester46, tester103, tester45, tester104, tester48, tester105, tester47, tester52, tester601, consumer1, tester53, tester501, tester54, tester55, w.oneill, user2, consumer2, tester50, user1, tester51, user4, user3, user6, user5, user8, tester502, user7, tester600, user9, tester36, tester37, tester34, tester35, tester38, tester39, tester40, tester44, tester43, tester42, tester41, tester23, tester24, tester25, tester26, tester27, tester28, tester29, dan_dan, tester31, daw, tester30, tester33, tester32, tester18, tester19, tester16, tester17, tester14, tester15, tester12, tester13, tester22, tester21, tester20, collaborator1, collaborator2, tester11, tester10, tester172, tester171, tester174, tester173, jms, tester170, tester179, gbk, tester175, tester176, tester177, tester178, tester163, tester162, tester161, tester160, tester168, tester169, tester166, tester167, tester164, tester165, tester190, tester192, FGW, tester191, tester194, tester193, tester196, tester195, depot, tester197, tester198, tester199, tester181, tester180, EGA, tester185, tester184, tester183, tester182, tester188, tester189, tester186, tester187, DmsWorkflowsUser, tester130, tester136, tester135, tester138, tester137, tester132, tester131, tester134, tester133, tester139, tester127, tester126, tester125, tester124, tester123, tester122, tester121, tester120, tester129, tester128, tester150, tester151, tester152, tester154, tester153, tester156, tester155, tester158, tester157, tester159, tester140, tester141, tester145, tester144, tester143, tester142, tester149, tester148, tester147, tester146, tester384, tester385, tester386, tester387, tester388, tester249, tester389, tester245, tester246, tester247, tester248, tester241, tester242, tester243, tester244, tester240, DataMigration, tester381, tester380, tester383, tester382, tester397, tester398, tester395, tester396, tester399, tester258, tester259, tester256, tester257, tester254, tester255, tester252, tester253, tester251, tester250, tester390, tester394, tester393, tester392, tester391, tester366, tester367, tester368, tester369, tester362, tester363, tester364, tester365, tester263, tester264, tester265, tester266, tester267, tester268, tester269, tester260, tester262, tester261, tester361, tester360, tester379, tester377, tester378, tester375, tester376, tester373, tester374, tester276, tester277, tester274, tester275, tester278, tester279, tester273, tester272, tester271, tester270, tester372, tester371, tester370, tester480, tester289, tester482, tester481, tester286, tester285, tester288, tester287, tester487, tester281, tester488, tester282, tester489, tester283, tester284, tester483, tester484, tester485, tester486, tester280, test1000, tester493, user13, tester492, user12, tester491, user15, tester490, user14, tester299, tester298, user11, tester297, user10, tester296, SDR, tester294, tester295, tester498, tester292, tester499, tester293, tester496, user16, tester290, tester497, user17, tester291, user18, tester494, user19, tester495, user22, user21, user20, user26, user25, user24, user23, user29, user27, user28, user31, user30, tester446, tester445, tester444, tester443, tester442, tester441, tester440, tester89, tad, tester449, tester448, tester447, tester95, tester94, tester93, tester92, tester99, tester302, tester98, tester303, tester97, tester96, tester301, tester306, tester307, tester304, tester305, tester91, tester90, tester308, tester309, tester455, tester454, tester457, tester456, tester451, tester450, tester453, tester452, tester459, tester458, tester310, tester311, tester312, tester313, tester314, tester315, tester316, tester317, tester318, tester319, tester464, tester463, tester462, tester461, tester468, tester467, tester466, tester465, tester469, tester460, tester473, tester472, tester475, tester474, tester477, tester476, tester479, tester478, contributor1, contributor2, TESTER602, tester470, tester471, tester409, tester407, tester408, tester405, tester406, tester403, tester404, tester401, tester402, tester400, Admin, tester204, tester203, tester349, tester202, tester201, tester348, tester200, tester343, tester342, tester341, tester209, tester340, tester208, tester347, tester207, tester346, tester206, tester345, tester205, tester344, tester418, tester419, tester414, tester415, tester416, tester417, tester410, tester411, tester412, tester413, tester213, tester359, tester212, tester215, tester214, s.rock, MRL, tester211, tester210, tester351, tester354, tester353, tester356, tester217, tester355, tester216, tester358, tester219, tester357, tester218, tester427, tester428, tester425, tester426, manager2, manager1, tester429, tester420, tester423, tester424, tester421, tester422, tester222, tester221, tester220, tester226, tester329, tester225, tester328, tester224, tester327, tester223, tester326, tester325, tester229, tester324, tester228, tester323, tester227, tester322, tester321, tester320, tester436, tester437, tester438, tester439, tester430, tester431, tester432, tester433, tester434, tester435, tester231, tester230, tester233, tester232, tester235, tester338, tester234, tester337, tester237, tester236, tester339, tester239, tester334, tester238, tester333, tester336, tester335, tester330, tester332, tester331]
15:30:10,071 INFO  [sync.DepartmentUserSynchronizer] No department or job information for users: [depot, Admin, tad, dan_dan, gbk, s.rock, jms, daw, user2, user1, user3, user4, user5, user6, user7, user8, user9, user10, DataMigration, consumer1, consumer2, contributor1, contributor2, collaborator1, collaborator2, manager1, manager2, SDR, user11, user12, user13, user14, user15, user16, user17, tester1, tester2, tester3, tester4, tester5, tester6, tester7, tester8, tester9, tester10, tester11, tester12, tester13, tester14, tester15, tester16, tester17, tester18, tester19, tester20, tester21, tester22, tester23, tester24, tester25, tester26, tester27, tester28, tester29, tester30, tester31, tester32, tester33, tester34, tester35, tester36, tester37, tester38, tester39, tester40, tester41, tester42, tester43, tester44, tester45, tester46, tester47, tester48, tester49, tester50, tester51, tester52, tester53, tester54, tester55, tester56, tester57, tester58, tester59, tester60, tester61, tester62, tester63, tester64, tester65, tester66, tester67, tester68, tester69, tester70, tester71, tester72, tester73, tester74, tester75, tester76, tester77, tester78, tester79, tester80, tester81, tester82, tester83, tester84, tester85, tester86, tester87, tester88, tester89, tester90, tester91, tester92, tester93, tester94, tester95, tester96, tester97, tester98, tester99, tester100, tester101, tester102, tester103, tester104, tester105, tester106, tester107, tester108, tester109, tester110, tester111, tester112, tester113, tester114, tester115, tester116, tester117, tester118, tester119, tester120, tester121, tester122, tester123, tester124, tester125, tester126, tester127, tester128, tester129, tester130, tester131, tester132, tester133, tester134, tester135, tester136, tester137, tester138, tester139, tester140, tester141, tester142, tester143, tester144, tester145, tester146, tester147, tester148, tester149, tester150, tester151, tester152, tester153, tester154, tester155, tester156, tester157, tester158, tester159, tester160, tester161, tester162, tester163, tester164, tester165, tester166, tester167, tester168, tester169, tester170, tester171, tester172, tester173, tester174, tester175, tester176, tester177, tester178, tester179, tester180, tester181, tester182, tester183, tester184, tester185, tester186, tester187, tester188, tester189, tester190, tester191, tester192, tester193, tester194, tester195, tester196, tester197, tester198, tester199, tester200, tester201, tester202, tester203, tester204, tester205, tester206, tester207, tester208, tester209, tester210, tester211, tester212, tester213, tester214, tester215, tester216, tester217, tester218, tester219, tester220, tester221, tester222, tester223, tester224, tester225, tester226, tester227, tester228, tester229, tester230, tester231, tester232, tester233, tester234, tester235, tester236, tester237, tester238, tester239, tester240, tester241, tester242, tester243, tester244, tester245, tester246, tester247, tester248, tester249, tester250, tester251, tester252, tester253, tester254, tester255, tester256, tester257, tester258, tester259, tester260, tester261, tester262, tester263, tester264, tester265, tester266, tester267, tester268, tester269, tester270, tester271, tester272, tester273, tester274, tester275, tester276, tester277, tester278, tester279, tester280, tester281, tester282, tester283, tester284, tester285, tester286, tester287, tester288, tester289, tester290, tester291, tester292, tester293, tester294, tester295, tester296, tester297, tester298, tester299, tester301, tester302, tester303, tester304, tester305, tester306, tester307, tester308, tester309, tester310, tester311, tester312, tester313, tester314, tester315, tester316, tester317, tester318, tester319, tester320, tester321, tester322, tester323, tester324, tester325, tester326, tester327, tester328, tester329, tester330, tester331, tester332, tester333, tester334, tester335, tester336, tester337, tester338, tester339, tester340, tester341, tester342, tester343, tester344, tester345, tester346, tester347, tester348, tester349, tester351, tester353, tester354, tester355, tester356, tester357, tester358, tester359, tester360, tester361, tester362, tester363, tester364, tester365, tester366, tester367, tester368, tester369, tester370, tester371, tester372, tester373, tester374, tester375, tester376, tester377, tester378, tester379, tester380, tester381, tester382, tester383, tester384, tester385, tester386, tester387, tester388, tester389, tester390, tester391, tester392, tester393, tester394, tester395, tester396, tester397, tester398, tester399, tester400, tester401, tester402, tester403, tester404, tester405, tester406, tester407, tester408, tester409, tester410, tester411, tester412, tester413, tester414, tester415, tester416, tester417, tester418, tester419, tester420, tester421, tester422, tester423, tester424, tester425, tester426, tester427, tester428, tester429, tester430, tester431, tester432, tester433, tester434, tester435, tester436, tester437, tester438, tester439, tester440, tester441, tester442, tester443, tester444, tester445, tester446, tester447, tester448, tester449, tester450, tester451, tester452, tester453, tester454, tester455, tester456, tester457, tester458, tester459, tester460, tester461, tester462, tester463, tester464, tester465, tester466, tester467, tester468, tester469, tester470, tester471, tester472, tester473, tester474, tester475, tester476, tester477, tester478, tester479, tester480, tester481, tester482, tester483, tester484, tester485, tester486, tester487, tester488, tester489, tester490, tester491, tester492, tester493, tester494, tester495, tester496, tester497, tester498, tester499, user18, tester502, test1000, tester501, tester600, tester601, TESTER602, user19, user20, user21, user22, user23, user24, user25, user26, user27, user28, user29, user30, user31, DmsWorkflowsUser, w.oneill]
15:30:10,071 INFO  [sync.DepartmentUserSynchronizer] Found 580 user(s) and updated 0. Failed to update 556 user(s).
15:30:10,071 INFO  [sync.DeactivatingUserSynchronizer] Beggining synchronization to deactivate inactive users…
15:30:10,575 INFO  [sync.DeactivatingUserSynchronizer] Activated users: []
15:30:10,575 INFO  [sync.DeactivatingUserSynchronizer] Deactivated users: []
15:30:10,575 INFO  [sync.DeactivatingUserSynchronizer] Failed to update: []
15:30:10,575 INFO  [sync.DeactivatingUserSynchronizer] Found 3 user(s) to deactivate from 580 and updated 0. Failed to update 0 user(s).
15:30:10,575 INFO  [sync.CommonUserSynchronizer] Beggining Custom user synchronization…
15:30:10,621 ERROR [sync.CommonUserSynchronizer] Error synchronizing users: null
15:30:10,712 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] Synchronizing users and groups with user registry 'ldap-ad1'
15:30:10,718 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] Retrieving groups changed since Jul 25, 2012 10:22:38 AM from user registry 'ldap-ad1'
15:30:10,728 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] ldap-ad1 Group Analysis: Commencing batch of 0 entries
15:30:10,728 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] ldap-ad1 Group Analysis: Completed batch of 0 entries
15:30:10,732 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] Retrieving users changed since Jul 25, 2012 10:23:34 AM from user registry 'ldap-ad1'
15:30:10,749 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] ldap-ad1 User Creation and Association: Commencing batch of 0 entries
15:30:10,749 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] ldap-ad1 User Creation and Association: Completed batch of 0 entries
15:30:10,886 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] Finished synchronizing users and groups with user registry 'ldap-ad1'
15:30:10,886 INFO  [sync.ChainingUserRegistrySynchronizer] 0 user(s) and 0 group(s) processed
15:30:10,933 INFO  [sync.DepartmentUserSynchronizer] Beggining Department user synchronization…
15:30:12,284 INFO  [sync.DepartmentUserSynchronizer] Updated: []
15:30:12,284 INFO  [sync.DepartmentUserSynchronizer] Failed to update: [tester8, tester7, tester9, tester4, tester3, tester79, tester6, tester78, tester5, tester2, tester1, tester83, tester84, tester81, tester82, tester87, tester88, tester85, tester86, tester80, tester68, tester67, tester69, tester70, tester71, tester72, tester73, tester74, tester75, tester76, tester77, tester119, tester117, tester118, tester111, tester112, tester110, tester115, tester59, tester116, tester58, tester113, tester57, tester114, tester56, tester65, tester66, tester63, tester64, tester61, tester62, tester60, tester106, tester107, tester108, tester109, tester49, tester100, tester101, tester102, tester46, tester103, tester45, tester104, tester48, tester105, tester47, tester52, tester601, consumer1, tester53, tester501, tester54, tester55, w.oneill, user2, consumer2, tester50, user1, tester51, user4, user3, user6, user5, user8, tester502, user7, tester600, user9, tester36, tester37, tester34, tester35, tester38, tester39, tester40, tester44, tester43, tester42, tester41, tester23, tester24, tester25, tester26, tester27, tester28, tester29, dan_dan, tester31, daw, tester30, tester33, tester32, tester18, tester19, tester16, tester17, tester14, tester15, tester12, tester13, tester22, tester21, tester20, collaborator1, collaborator2, tester11, tester10, tester172, tester171, tester174, tester173, jms, tester170, tester179, gbk, tester175, tester176, tester177, tester178, tester163, tester162, tester161, tester160, tester168, tester169, tester166, tester167, tester164, tester165, tester190, tester192, FGW, tester191, tester194, tester193, tester196, tester195, depot, tester197, tester198, tester199, tester181, tester180, EGA, tester185, tester184, tester183, tester182, tester188, tester189, tester186, tester187, DmsWorkflowsUser, tester130, tester136, tester135, tester138, tester137, tester132, tester131, tester134, tester133, tester139, tester127, tester126, tester125, tester124, tester123, tester122, tester121, tester120, tester129, tester128, tester150, tester151, tester152, tester154, tester153, tester156, tester155, tester158, tester157, tester159, tester140, tester141, tester145, tester144, tester143, tester142, tester149, tester148, tester147, tester146, tester384, tester385, tester386, tester387, tester388, tester249, tester389, tester245, tester246, tester247, tester248, tester241, tester242, tester243, tester244, tester240, DataMigration, tester381, tester380, tester383, tester382, tester397, tester398, tester395, tester396, tester399, tester258, tester259, tester256, tester257, tester254, tester255, tester252, tester253, tester251, tester250, tester390, tester394, tester393, tester392, tester391, tester366, tester367, tester368, tester369, tester362, tester363, tester364, tester365, tester263, tester264, tester265, tester266, tester267, tester268, tester269, tester260, tester262, tester261, tester361, tester360, tester379, tester377, tester378, tester375, tester376, tester373, tester374, tester276, tester277, tester274, tester275, tester278, tester279, tester273, tester272, tester271, tester270, tester372, tester371, tester370, tester480, tester289, tester482, tester481, tester286, tester285, tester288, tester287, tester487, tester281, tester488, tester282, tester489, tester283, tester284, tester483, tester484, tester485, tester486, tester280, test1000, tester493, user13, tester492, user12, tester491, user15, tester490, user14, tester299, tester298, user11, tester297, user10, tester296, SDR, tester294, tester295, tester498, tester292, tester499, tester293, tester496, user16, tester290, tester497, user17, tester291, user18, tester494, user19, tester495, user22, user21, user20, user26, user25, user24, user23, user29, user27, user28, user31, user30, tester446, tester445, tester444, tester443, tester442, tester441, tester440, tester89, tad, tester449, tester448, tester447, tester95, tester94, tester93, tester92, tester99, tester302, tester98, tester303, tester97, tester96, tester301, tester306, tester307, tester304, tester305, tester91, tester90, tester308, tester309, tester455, tester454, tester457, tester456, tester451, tester450, tester453, tester452, tester459, tester458, tester310, tester311, tester312, tester313, tester314, tester315, tester316, tester317, tester318, tester319, tester464, tester463, tester462, tester461, tester468, tester467, tester466, tester465, tester469, tester460, tester473, tester472, tester475, tester474, tester477, tester476, tester479, tester478, contributor1, contributor2, TESTER602, tester470, tester471, tester409, tester407, tester408, tester405, tester406, tester403, tester404, tester401, tester402, tester400, Admin, tester204, tester203, tester349, tester202, tester201, tester348, tester200, tester343, tester342, tester341, tester209, tester340, tester208, tester347, tester207, tester346, tester206, tester345, tester205, tester344, tester418, tester419, tester414, tester415, tester416, tester417, tester410, tester411, tester412, tester413, tester213, tester359, tester212, tester215, tester214, s.rock, MRL, tester211, tester210, tester351, tester354, tester353, tester356, tester217, tester355, tester216, tester358, tester219, tester357, tester218, tester427, tester428, tester425, tester426, manager2, manager1, tester429, tester420, tester423, tester424, tester421, tester422, tester222, tester221, tester220, tester226, tester329, tester225, tester328, tester224, tester327, tester223, tester326, tester325, tester229, tester324, tester228, tester323, tester227, tester322, tester321, tester320, tester436, tester437, tester438, tester439, tester430, tester431, tester432, tester433, tester434, tester435, tester231, tester230, tester233, tester232, tester235, tester338, tester234, tester337, tester237, tester236, tester339, tester239, tester334, tester238, tester333, tester336, tester335, tester330, tester332, tester331]
15:30:12,285 INFO  [sync.DepartmentUserSynchronizer] No department or job information for users: [depot, Admin, tad, dan_dan, gbk, s.rock, jms, daw, user2, user1, user3, user4, user5, user6, user7, user8, user9, user10, DataMigration, consumer1, consumer2, contributor1, contributor2, collaborator1, collaborator2, manager1, manager2, SDR, user11, user12, user13, user14, user15, user16, user17, tester1, tester2, tester3, tester4, tester5, tester6, tester7, tester8, tester9, tester10, tester11, tester12, tester13, tester14, tester15, tester16, tester17, tester18, tester19, tester20, tester21, tester22, tester23, tester24, tester25, tester26, tester27, tester28, tester29, tester30, tester31, tester32, tester33, tester34, tester35, tester36, tester37, tester38, tester39, tester40, tester41, tester42, tester43, tester44, tester45, tester46, tester47, tester48, tester49, tester50, tester51, tester52, tester53, tester54, tester55, tester56, tester57, tester58, tester59, tester60, tester61, tester62, tester63, tester64, tester65, tester66, tester67, tester68, tester69, tester70, tester71, tester72, tester73, tester74, tester75, tester76, tester77, tester78, tester79, tester80, tester81, tester82, tester83, tester84, tester85, tester86, tester87, tester88, tester89, tester90, tester91, tester92, tester93, tester94, tester95, tester96, tester97, tester98, tester99, tester100, tester101, tester102, tester103, tester104, tester105, tester106, tester107, tester108, tester109, tester110, tester111, tester112, tester113, tester114, tester115, tester116, tester117, tester118, tester119, tester120, tester121, tester122, tester123, tester124, tester125, tester126, tester127, tester128, tester129, tester130, tester131, tester132, tester133, tester134, tester135, tester136, tester137, tester138, tester139, tester140, tester141, tester142, tester143, tester144, tester145, tester146, tester147, tester148, tester149, tester150, tester151, tester152, tester153, tester154, tester155, tester156, tester157, tester158, tester159, tester160, tester161, tester162, tester163, tester164, tester165, tester166, tester167, tester168, tester169, tester170, tester171, tester172, tester173, tester174, tester175, tester176, tester177, tester178, tester179, tester180, tester181, tester182, tester183, tester184, tester185, tester186, tester187, tester188, tester189, tester190, tester191, tester192, tester193, tester194, tester195, tester196, tester197, tester198, tester199, tester200, tester201, tester202, tester203, tester204, tester205, tester206, tester207, tester208, tester209, tester210, tester211, tester212, tester213, tester214, tester215, tester216, tester217, tester218, tester219, tester220, tester221, tester222, tester223, tester224, tester225, tester226, tester227, tester228, tester229, tester230, tester231, tester232, tester233, tester234, tester235, tester236, tester237, tester238, tester239, tester240, tester241, tester242, tester243, tester244, tester245, tester246, tester247, tester248, tester249, tester250, tester251, tester252, tester253, tester254, tester255, tester256, tester257, tester258, tester259, tester260, tester261, tester262, tester263, tester264, tester265, tester266, tester267, tester268, tester269, tester270, tester271, tester272, tester273, tester274, tester275, tester276, tester277, tester278, tester279, tester280, tester281, tester282, tester283, tester284, tester285, tester286, tester287, tester288, tester289, tester290, tester291, tester292, tester293, tester294, tester295, tester296, tester297, tester298, tester299, tester301, tester302, tester303, tester304, tester305, tester306, tester307, tester308, tester309, tester310, tester311, tester312, tester313, tester314, tester315, tester316, tester317, tester318, tester319, tester320, tester321, tester322, tester323, tester324, tester325, tester326, tester327, tester328, tester329, tester330, tester331, tester332, tester333, tester334, tester335, tester336, tester337, tester338, tester339, tester340, tester341, tester342, tester343, tester344, tester345, tester346, tester347, tester348, tester349, tester351, tester353, tester354, tester355, tester356, tester357, tester358, tester359, tester360, tester361, tester362, tester363, tester364, tester365, tester366, tester367, tester368, tester369, tester370, tester371, tester372, tester373, tester374, tester375, tester376, tester377, tester378, tester379, tester380, tester381, tester382, tester383, tester384, tester385, tester386, tester387, tester388, tester389, tester390, tester391, tester392, tester393, tester394, tester395, tester396, tester397, tester398, tester399, tester400, tester401, tester402, tester403, tester404, tester405, tester406, tester407, tester408, tester409, tester410, tester411, tester412, tester413, tester414, tester415, tester416, tester417, tester418, tester419, tester420, tester421, tester422, tester423, tester424, tester425, tester426, tester427, tester428, tester429, tester430, tester431, tester432, tester433, tester434, tester435, tester436, tester437, tester438, tester439, tester440, tester441, tester442, tester443, tester444, tester445, tester446, tester447, tester448, tester449, tester450, tester451, tester452, tester453, tester454, tester455, tester456, tester457, tester458, tester459, tester460, tester461, tester462, tester463, tester464, tester465, tester466, tester467, tester468, tester469, tester470, tester471, tester472, tester473, tester474, tester475, tester476, tester477, tester478, tester479, tester480, tester481, tester482, tester483, tester484, tester485, tester486, tester487, tester488, tester489, tester490, tester491, tester492, tester493, tester494, tester495, tester496, tester497, tester498, tester499, user18, tester502, test1000, tester501, tester600, tester601, TESTER602, user19, user20, user21, user22, user23, user24, user25, user26, user27, user28, user29, user30, user31, DmsWorkflowsUser, w.oneill]
15:30:12,286 INFO  [sync.DepartmentUserSynchronizer] Found 580 user(s) and updated 0. Failed to update 556 user(s).
15:30:12,286 INFO  [sync.DeactivatingUserSynchronizer] Beggining synchronization to deactivate inactive users…
15:30:12,531 INFO  [sync.DeactivatingUserSynchronizer] Activated users: []
15:30:12,531 INFO  [sync.DeactivatingUserSynchronizer] Deactivated users: []
15:30:12,531 INFO  [sync.DeactivatingUserSynchronizer] Failed to update: []
15:30:12,531 INFO  [sync.DeactivatingUserSynchronizer] Found 3 user(s) to deactivate from 580 and updated 0. Failed to update 0 user(s).
15:30:12,545 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'Synchronization' subsystem, ID: [Synchronization, default] complete
15:30:12,620 INFO  [descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco JVM - v1.6.0_23-b05; maximum heap size 682.688MB
15:30:12,621 INFO  [descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco started (Community): Current version 3.4.0 (d 3370) schema 4113 - Originally installed version 3.4.0 (d 3370) schema 4113
15:30:12,640 DEBUG [asynch.AsynchProcessingQueue] Starting the OcrAsynchCallableQueueThread
15:30:12,641 DEBUG [asynch.AsynchProcessingQueue] Starting the OpenOfficeAsynchCallableQueueThread
15:30:12,641 DEBUG [asynch.AsynchProcessingQueue] Starting the EmailAsynchCallableQueueThread
15:30:12,641 DEBUG [asynch.AsynchProcessingQueue] Starting the SearchablePDFAsyncCallableQueueThread
15:30:12,653 WARN  [engine.TesseractWindowsOCREngine] The OS is not UNIX based.
15:30:12,746 INFO  [asynch.AsynchProcessingQueue] OcrAsynchCallable is not active and will check again in 120 sec
15:30:12,750 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'Replication' subsystem, ID: [Replication, default]
15:30:12,764 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:30:12,764 INFO  [config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:30:12,764 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:30:12,765 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/]
15:30:12,767 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/]
15:30:12,791 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'Replication' subsystem, ID: [Replication, default] complete
15:30:14,961 INFO  [vti.VtiServer] Vti server started successfully on port: 7070
15:30:43,963 INFO  [webscripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Registered 519 Web Scripts (+0 failed), 810 URLs
15:30:43,963 INFO  [webscripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Registered 2 Package Description Documents (+0 failed)
15:30:43,963 INFO  [webscripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Registered 1 Schema Description Documents (+0 failed)
15:30:43,967 INFO  [webscripts.AbstractRuntimeContainer] Initialised Repository Web Script Container (in 22323.041ms)
15:30:43,992 INFO  [webscripts.TemplateProcessorRegistry] Registered template processor freemarker for extension ftl
15:30:43,994 INFO  [webscripts.ScriptProcessorRegistry] Registered script processor javascript for extension js
15:30:44,344 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Starting 'wcm_deployment_receiver' subsystem, ID: [wcm_deployment_receiver, default]
15:30:44,379 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:30:44,379 INFO  [config.JndiPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/]
15:30:44,379 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/domain/]
15:30:44,381 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from class path resource [alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.vti/context/]
15:30:44,381 INFO  [config.FixedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/]
15:30:44,497 INFO  [subsystems.ChildApplicationContextFactory] Startup of 'wcm_deployment_receiver' subsystem, ID: [wcm_deployment_receiver, default] complete
15:32:12,643 INFO  [asynch.AsynchManager] Successfully started queue for emailAsynchCallable
15:32:12,644 DEBUG [asynch.AsynchProcessingQueue] Initiated check for data to process from EmailAsynchCallable
15:32:12,650 INFO  [asynch.AsynchManager] Successfully started queue for ocrAsynchCallable
15:32:12,657 DEBUG [asynch.AsynchProcessingQueue] Initiated check for data to process from OcrAsynchCallable
15:32:12,657 INFO  [asynch.AsynchManager] Successfully started queue for ooAsynchCallable
15:32:12,658 DEBUG [asynch.AsynchProcessingQueue] Initiated check for data to process from OpenOfficeAsynchCallable
15:32:12,658 WARN  [engine.TesseractWindowsOCREngine] The OS is not UNIX based.
15:32:12,658 INFO  [asynch.AsynchProcessingQueue] OcrAsynchCallable is not active and will check again in 120 sec
15:32:12,744 INFO  [asynch.AsynchManager] Successfully started queue for searchablePDFAsyncCallable
15:32:12,744 DEBUG [asynch.AsynchProcessingQueue] Initiated check for data to process from SearchablePDFAsyncCallable
For some reason I don’t see anything related to CIFS in the log, I think maybe I didn’t set something correctly… After \\iandreeva\alfresco i get the same message from Windows. And another question, where should I specify the class which I want to be used for authentication…? I was thinking about just setting the user to admin in one of the Authenticators (maybe AuthenticationComponent) but the problem is the components are responsible for authenticating users in webdav too. So I want to skip authentication just in CIFS. Any ideas..? Doesn’t have to be a custom authentication filter, component or whatever, maybe there’s something easier I’m missing  :?:

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I decided to start clean so i did some changes … again. So, I followed a tutorial and that's what i got:
and then in file-servers-context.xml on both occurances:
<property name="platforms">

and then in
and i disabled the windows native smb by  uninstalling the 'FIle and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks' from my network adapter (thanks to )
so, then when i do a netstat -an in th command line i get that on port 445 is listening process javaw.exe (which is ok i think… ) BUT when i try nbtstat -n  i get nothing… and i mean No names in cache for my IP. And so when i try \\iandreevaA\Alfresco or even with my IP \\\Alfresco i get the same error from Windows and again nothing in the log about it. Any ideas anyone?  :?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hey guys,
I just wanted to tell you that after a reboot everything worked and i even did my custom changes on the authentication !  Smiley Very Happy Thanks for the help

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

alfresco version 4.2e
linux mint-debian 3.11.8-1 x86_64

j'arrive à m'authentifier avec mes identifiants LDAP mais je n'arrive pas à remonter les utilisateurs et groupes dans l'interface alfresco.
je ne sais pas vraiment ou vous joins mes principaux fichiers log/config
Si quelqu'un pouvait pourquoi résoudre ce problème.
Merci d'avance