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Forum Posts

Breadcrumb and browser back button

Hi,I have been going through your code base and in particular the way breadcrumb has been implemented. I have a few questions:1. breadcrumb.jsp - This refers to a backing bean "location" property stores the current bread crumb. Wh...

unmarshall by Champ in-the-making
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Error recovering full repository

Hi. I tried to import a full repository backup, following the steps indicated here: on the section named " Bootstrap destination Repository from ACP files exported from Full Export" but I've always  got...

sgoni by Champ in-the-making
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Sun Application Server 9.0 and Alfresco

Hello Everyone, I apologize now for any spelling mistakes as at the moment I don't see very clearly as I've been smashing my head into my keyboard from frustration.But to the point, I have currently installed on a Windows XP SP2 system:- JDK 6u1 with...

novamxd by Champ in-the-making
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How to restrict admin user access to some content

HiAs far as I know, alfresco grants full acces to the admin user; I mean, admin user can read, write, and do anytihing he wants with any document stored in Alfresco;As a business requirement (or legal requirement maybe), there's some kind of informat...

jzulu2000 by Champ in-the-making
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Visualiser des images en miniature par le Webdav

Bonjour tout le monde,Je reviens vers vous pour vous posez une petite question qui je pense plaira à beaucoup de monde Il  y a maintenant 2 semaines, j'avais posté un message pour savoir s'il était possible d'afficher les images sous forme de miniatu...

tserando by Champ in-the-making
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server-config.wsdd uses classes that do not exist

Hi,Looking for the server-config.wsdd file in the Remote-api project, I found this :      <parameter name="className"         value="org.alfresco.repo.webservice.action.ActionServiceSoapBindingImpl" />‍‍‍‍Ok, then the Web Service's classname is Actio...

Tasks to do - What I need know?

Hi guys.* I need that my Java application (using struts 2) can define a new user space and new hierarchy structure.* To do this, I can know if there is this space in server.How can I do this text?* How can I recovery a hierarchy structure from a name...

insertion d'une image en webscript

bonjour,j'arrive pas à inserer une image dans le document de description webscript meme si j'ai importée l'image dans mon depot de travail.voici le document de description<webscript><shortname>test_contenu</shortname><description>test_contenu1</descr...

ozibtissam by Champ in-the-making
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Hello all,I have a very simple question. How can i get, if a person exist by another parameters then username.For example i added a property to the person modell, it called namecode.I found this PersonService.personExists(java.lang.String username).C...

blackjack by Champ in-the-making
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Space 'Forms'

Hi!I want to add the space "Forms" (not "Web Forms") to Data Dictionary"… Where can i get it??! … It's available for download?!? …Thanks a lot!João Duarte

joaotpd by Champ on-the-rise
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