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Problem with activiti-rest.war

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I tried to deploy the activiti-rest.war with the Tomcat7 but the application does not work. What i could make to fix the problem? I'm using the Activiti 5.12.


I tried to install this deployment this way. First, I set up a MySQL-Database with a database "activiti". After that, I deployed the acticiti-explorer.war. I changed the to:

and copied the the mysql-connector-5.1.27-bin.jar in the WEB-INF/lib folder. In addition, I changed nothing (demo data will be generated by activiti explorer). After a reboot, the explorer worked fine.

Now I did the same with rest. Deploy it, change the to exactly the same values and copy the mysql-connector. In addition, I disabeled the generation of demo-data in the rest app. To do this, I changed in the rest webapp´s file WEB-INF/classes/activiti-context.xml the following:
<bean id="demoDataGenerator" class=""
  <property name="processEngine" ref="processEngine" />
  <property name="createDemoUsersAndGroups" value="false" />
        <property name="createDemoProcessDefinitions" value="false" />
        <property name="createDemoModels" value="false" />
After that, I rebooted the rest web app. Now, in the activiti explorer, I have 17 taks in my inbox, 46 Tasks in the queue and 17 tasks claimed (all of them are named with lorem ipsum text). In the center of the explorer, there is the error: Warning! UserId is null. Because I cannot upload a picture, here is a screenshot of this as a png:

Does anyone has an idea what I did wrong?

Lets say I disable the job executor in the activiti explorer (and let the job executor in the rest app active). Am I right that then, I won´t be able to execute jobs via the explorer?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You mean by clicking the "execute" button on the Manage > Jobs page? If that's what you mean, the answer is simple:

Since this uses the managementService.executeJob method (Forced synchronous execution of a job, see javadocs), the job-executor is not involved in this, the job will be executed synchronously, using the thread that calls the API (in this case, a tomcat-container thread). So even if the jobExecutor is not enabled on explorer's engine, you'll still be able to execute jobs manually.