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Model processes with table-driven definition

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I modelled a simple process with the table-driven definition according to this screencast:

This process hast two steps: Request a refund via a form (name, amound, motivation) and handle this request by a management member via a form (1 textfield: agreed). After the management member has completed the task (filling in yes or no), the process is finished. But neither the user who started the process nor the management member who handeled the request can see the finished process in the activiti explorer afterwoods. The filled out forms are not visible, too.

Therefore my question: When I create an approval-process with activiti kickstart (table-driven definition), how can users see the result of this process in the explorer (e.g. see if the management has aggreed or not)?

As long as the process is not finished, I can see under Processes –> My instances all the variables. But as soon as the process is finished, I have no chance to see if my request was rejected or not. Do I get something wrong?

Best regards

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Please note that explorer is intended as a demo-application to showcase the features of the engine. The table builder shows an easy way to get started with process-modeling. In real-world scenario's, you would model an additional task assigned to the manager, informing him/her about the approval-process being finished…