Hello All,
I have bootstrapped a space called "MyComp" under Company Home > Data Dictionary. This space contains 3 spaces - Email Templates, Messages, Models.
Under Email Templates there is a file called mycomp-invite-email.html.ftl [app:company_home/app:dictionary/app:mycomp/cm:email_templates/cm:invite-email.html.ftl]
When a user invite to join a site is send out by default the repo makes use of the template 'app:company_home/app:dictionary/app:email_templates/cm:invite/cm:invite-email.html.ftl' which is hardcoded in InviteSender.java [EAD\root\projects\repository\source\java\org\alfresco\repo\invitation\site\InviteSender]. I would instead like to refer to my customized email template for the invitation being send out.
Can some one suggest an approach for this?