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[SOLVED] How to do password reset on admin account?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

i have a funny situation here… a guy who used to work in IT here quit and he doesn't want to give admin password to a person who took his place…
since i can't see entire repository so i can't do copy paste of the data to another installation of alfresco… i'm not even sure how much of the data is available to my eyes with this limited account i was given…

i would like to know what are my options here? i have mysql database access and i can see all the tables but cant find out how to add another admin in there, if it's even possible…


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
got it! thanks!!

If you do not know the admin password it can be reset several ways.

    * If you know the password of at least one user
          o Give a known user admin rights in config\alfresco\authority-services-context.xml
          o Restart the repository
          o Login in as this user
          o Reset the "admin" user's password
          o Reset the config

the file authority-services-context.xml was found in different directory but it worked like a charm anyway…

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
It's happened on a few occasions now where I'm randomly locked out of the admin account. I reset the hash in the db and I'm still locked out. At this point the only option seems to be revert to backup and also the password reset plugin returns an "Unknown Error". Why does my database just get randomly corrupted? Pretty flakey… 

UPDATE: nevermind. I just found a reference to the lucene-indexes folder in the windows system backup (wasn't on my radar as I use other backup methods as first line of defense). That must be it. My bad…