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Odd security exception with GET /alfresco/service/cmis/query

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I'm new to Alfresco and I'm trying to figure out a bizarre security exception I'm getting using this service. The Alfresco server is on another machine (community edition) to my local machine and I'm using PHP with Curl. We're going to be using the full version of Alfresco however we're trying to get to grips with it.

First I authenticate using:

GET /alfresco/service/api/login?u={username}&pw={password?}

which works fine and I am returned a response of "TICKET_xxxx etc". I then attempt to call:


this returns a security error?

Alfresco    Web Script Status 500 - Internal Error

The Web Script /alfresco/service/cmis/query has responded with a status of 500 - Internal Error.

500 Description:   An error inside the HTTP server which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Message:   09090029 Wrapped Exception (with status template): 090914717 Failed to execute script 'classpath*:alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco/cmis/query.get.js': 090914716
Exception: - NotAfter: Fri Aug 17 13:04:11 BST 2012
   sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
   $Proxy140.query(Unknown Source)
   sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
Exception: - timestamp check failed
Exception: - PKIX path validation failed: timestamp check failed
Exception: - PKIX path validation failed: timestamp check failed
Exception: - 090914716
Exception:   org.alfresco.scripts.ScriptException - 090914717 Failed to execute script 'classpath*:alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco/cmis/query.get.js': 090914716
Exception:   org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScriptException - 09090029 Wrapped Exception (with status template): 090914717 Failed to execute script 'classpath*:alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco/cmis/query.get.js': 090914716
Server:   Community v4.0.0 (4003) schema 5,025
Time:   09-Oct-2012 14:39:48
Diagnostics:   Inspect Web Script (org/alfresco/cmis/query.get)

However using something like


is fine. Any thoughts?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Cheers Mike, you replied before I managed to reply and say it was sorted Smiley Happy