10-09-2012 07:39 AM
10-09-2012 07:57 AM
10-09-2012 08:50 AM
you can find clues about sorting here http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Search#Queries_that_sort and here http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Search#Queries_that_sort
It may be useful also this http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Full_Text_Search_Query_Syntax#JavaScript
10-09-2012 09:00 AM
10-09-2012 09:04 AM
10-09-2012 09:12 AM
But you're receiving an exception or the results are not sorted?
Could you please provide the code snippet you're using for the query?
var sortName ={
column: "@cm:title",
ascending: true
var def ={
query: query,
language: "Lucene",
sort: [sortName]
var nodes = search.query(def);
10-09-2012 10:46 AM
Array luceneSearch(string query, string sortColumn, boolean asc)
Returns an array of ScriptNode satisfying the search criteria sorted by the specified sortColumn (the property name to sort on) and asc (true => ascending order, false => descending order). For example var nodes = search.luceneSearch("TEXT:alfresco", "@cm:modified", false);
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