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New to Alfresco

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hey all,

I'm new to Alfresco, but I've read several chapters of a book which was handed to me.

I've been tasked to secure an Alfresco environment which currently seems to have read access for everyone.  I need to modify the environment to allow our employees somewhere between full control-read only, and external users minimal access to only things we specify.  We don't want clients seeing each other's data… 

Coming from a Interwoven TeamSite background, I immediately think of using groups and roles.  Alfresco seems to be based on the same principals, but the individual who tasked me with this feels there is a different way (based on a video he saw).

Here is the video:!

Am I on the right track of creating groups and roles for each company including my company and setting the permissions based on the groups OR is there a way to keep sites public, but hide them from external clients?

Thanks in advance for the advice!


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

In the video " … _embedded#!"
I don't see solution, they have demonstrated different visibilities of site per users but not showing how to achieve this, is this a configuration or customization?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hey Kirit,

I was told this was an Alfresco Video so I'm assuming it isn't a custom configuration.

I agree no solution is shown which is why I posted on this forum.  I'd like to know how to acheive this solution as my solution would be to create groups and assign roles, but there may be a simplier way to achieve this, which is what I'm asking…

Thanks for your reply.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I would go with your solution, I don´t know any way of making it public but locked for those "external" users (I recently started testing 4.0, so maybe I`m losing something new).
Play with the roles, there are many post about creating new roles, here is the wiki:‍
Additionaly you can modify the document actions for those roles, MikeH give shome hints here:‍

Although I have seen a recent post that inform some problems with the wiki configuration for 4.0


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Maybe I'm not asking the correct question.

How do I designate internal vs external users?  The video shows they somehow are are able to identify between the two…

If I go with the groups/roles avenue, then I have to set all the sites to private, else the external users can still see the public sites…