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New domain name in Active Directory

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I need some input in this matter.
A client is planing to change server-hosting from company A to company B. So their alfresco servers will be cloned and all their is left is to change the hostnames in and everything is back to normal - should be an easy operation.
However, the client have decided to change their domain name in Active Directory. All existing users and groups gets transferred to the new AD, of course, but the domain name will be different.  How will that pan out with Alfrescos LDAP sync?
We predict the following scenarios
<li>Worst case. all users gets re-imported and has no knowledge of their previous uploaded documents.</li>
<li>Best case. LDAP sync continues as always and no users gets updated or re-created.</li>
Hope to hear for you

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi there,

I think it will be the 1st one, but not even 80% sure about it. My advice is to test it first then do it in production - just to be sure which scenerio you  are in. You never know for sure how the SW will react in this one-time cases.
