10-25-2024 08:34 AM
is there someone who can validate a configuration with ldapS to connection to a samba-ad ??
Alfresco made me mad, because I just want connection by ldapS without synchronization,
but I'm not enable to. I changed and try many parameters, but always "simple bind failed"
here my Alfresco 23.2 docker-compose conf
2024-10-25T08:48:49,390 [] ERROR [authentication.ldap.LDAPInitialDirContextFactoryImpl] [main] Unable to connect to LDAP Server; check LDAP configuration
javax.naming.CommunicationException: simple bind failed: my.domain:636
with tcpdump, I see that alfresco communicates with my samba-ad, but no messages in samba logs,and no more in alfresco and no file global properties
my developper make a java pgm to test connection with user and keystore
and once connected in the docker:
[root@fefaed26eb8d datastore]# java -cp connectorLDAP.jar com.lusis.alb.connectors.ConnectorLDAP ldaps://my.domain:636 user@my.domain ldappassd /etc/java/datastore/keystore.jks storepass
LDAP connected: true
All works fine if I log in with my alfresco passwd ....
if someone can help me....
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