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Multiple single assignne isn't possible ?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I try  to develop a  customized "sequential" workflow. And I want to choose only one person for each step (my example have 2 steps).
Is it possible ?
Because when I initiate my customized workflow I can filled up the firts level, but for the second one nothing appears.

I have a simple workflow with a succession of review base on the workflowModel.xml.

Like the bpm:assignee, I added to the bpmModel.xml my 2 aspect bpm:assigneeL1 and bpm:assigneeL2 :
<!–                       –>
        <!–  Single Task Assignee Level 1  –>
        <!–                       –>
        <aspect name="bpm:assigneeL1">
                <association name="bpm:assigneeL1">
        <!–                       –>
        <!–  Single Task Assignee Level 2 - Association not found–>
        <!–                       –>
        <aspect name="bpm:assigneeL2">  
                <association name="bpm:assigneeL2">

In the web-client-config-properties.xml, I added

<config evaluator="node-type" condition="wf:submitReviewTaskL1" replace="true">
         <separator name="sep1" display-label-id="general" component-generator="HeaderSeparatorGenerator" />
         <show-property name="bpm:workflowDescription" component-generator="TextAreaGenerator" />
         <show-property name="bpm:workflowPriority" display-label-id="wf_review_priority" />
         <show-property name="bpm:workflowDueDate" display-label-id="wf_review_due_date" />
         <separator name="sep2" display-label-id="users_level_1" component-generator="HeaderSeparatorGenerator" />
         <show-association name="bpm:assigneeL1" display-label-id="wf_reviewerL1" />
         <separator name="sep3" display-label-id="users_level_2" component-generator="HeaderSeparatorGenerator" />
         <show-association name="bpm:assigneeL2" display-label-id="wf_reviewerL2" />

Everything is OK except the last line "show-association name="bpm:assigneeL2" display-label-id="wf_reviewerL2" />"
And in the log file :
09:01:46,955 User:admin WARN  [] Failed to find association definition for association 'bpm:assigneeL2'

I've tried to switch my variable assigneeL1 and L2, but the result is nearly the same with the name of the bpm:assigneeL1 instead of bpm:assignneL2.

Thanks by advance.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have the same problem… I need to create something like that… have single asignee in diferent task….. Do you know how I can model it?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

for your custom workflow, i advise you to create your own files, and not tu change the existing one. Withou it, If you upgrade your version of alfresco, you'll lost your custo.
So in alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension
  • create a file myWorkflow-model.xml where you'll create your two associations and say that in your "wf:submitReviewTaskL1" you'll need these associations
  • Perhaps, change the namespace, you better find you're own workflow.
  • create a file myWorkflow-process-definition.xml with, if you want, the same content that your old review-process-definition.xml

  • create a "web-client-config-custom.xml" file with your config
I don't know why your assigneeL1 works cause you've to change too this aspect's name in the file alfresco/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/web-inf/calsses/alfresco/workflow/workflowModel.xml?

With what i suggest you, you'll have to add

      <type name="your_wf_namespace:submitReviewTaskL1">

    <aspect name="your_wf_namespace:assigneeL1">
                <association name="your_wf_namespace:assigneeL1">
        <aspect name="your_wf_namespace:assigneeL2">  
                <association name="your_wf_namespace:assigneeL2">
in your file myWorkflow-model.xml
You your two associations, and you use it in your task submitReviewTaskL1.

I think it could work.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Grand Dams, I cant resolve the problem… I did what you suggested but still does not work… I dont know what could be wrong…

can you check this topic, please?