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maxPermissionCheckTimeMillis and maxPermissionChecks

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
what is the meaning of system.acl.maxPermissionCheckTimeMillis and ystem.acl.maxPermissionChecks properties in ?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
When a large result set is returned from search how many nodes to check permissions and how long to spend before timing out.    If you return a million nodes there's probably little point waiting to checking permissions of each and every one.

The parameters are obsolete with the introduction of SOLR.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

So does it mean that if i have 1,00,000 content in my alfresco repository and i want to search between those contents then i need to set maxpermissionchecks to 1,00,000 or more than that ?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

The short answer is yes if you expect all those documents as a result of one query.

This parameters are related to search results rather than number of documents in your repository. You could have 10 millions of documents in your repository but if your search queries return no more than 1000 nodes at once you won't need to set the maxPermissionChecks to more than 1000. Alfresco checks permissions for every node in result set and not for every document in repository. It means if your search returns 10000 nodes and maxPermissionChecks is set to 10, at the end you receive the first 10 nodes from the result set for which you have enough privileges. Of course, you have to give Alfresco enough time to check permissions - maxPermissioncheckTimeMillis.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Thanks hunjet,

             I got your point. But when i am using  javascript to find result with skip count 1000 and maxitems 100 then i getting nothing provided that maxpermissionchecks is set to 1000. And same thing i am doing with java code then i am getting proper result. why is it so ?