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Maven Alfresco SDK - Big thing, but not mentioned in roadmap

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Maybe I have missed the official announcement, but the information of the Devcon 2012 session by Gabriele Columbro on Alfresco and Maven contains some important stuff that I am really curious to hear more about (see:

There is no information in the Roadmap 2012 on this, or anywhere else that I could find, but from the summary I conclude that:

- Alfresco will be moving their own build to Maven instead of Ant (rather than only publishing build artifacts to a maven repo)
- There will be a full-fledged, aflresco-supported Maven Alfresco SDK!!

Using an adapted version of the maven-alfresco-archetypes myself, this leads to a number of questions:

- What is the relationship to the community efforts around Maven Alfresco ( in particular)?
- What does the Alfresco SDK encompass in terms of archetypes, plugins?
- When is the planned release date, and can we already test-drive a pre-release version of it?
- Shouldn't there be a mention of these kind of devenvironment strategies on the Roadmap 2012 in the Alfresco Wiki?

I should probably now subscribe to the Maven Alfresco Lifecycle Discussion Group and ask how this affects their efforts (which I really appreciate BTW), but maybe there is also someone on this forum that knows…

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Have you seen ?

- Alfresco will be moving their own build to Maven instead of Ant (rather than only publishing build artifacts to a maven repo)
I'm fairly certain that's not planned at all.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Yep, you are quite right, sorry. I read things between the lines that weren't there.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
In fact, ignore my first rant completely. I got confused with all the Maven activity happening around Alfresco.
AFAIK now the Maven Alfresco SDK is being developed as part of the Maven Alfresco Lifcycle project in google code.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hey Arnold,

I understand the pain suffered in this area in the last years, and the confusion due to the project changing name a few times. I can confirm that the effort is still being developed in Google Code at the Maven Alfresco Archetypes project (

As discussed in the now official Maven Alfresco SDK page ( is a fully fledged support (plugin, parent POm, archetypes), backed by the Alfresco Artifacts Repository (

For full details you can check out the nice Maven site with all the docs at

I swear this is the last big change in terms of naming / groupId / artifactId. In fact we wanted to make it really right now that we have a full support from our release management team.

Hope this helps!

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Thank you, Gabriele!

I have been following the project quite closely for some time, and I can't wait to start using the latest version for my EE release, when that becomes available. You guys really did a great job!!!