01-20-2010 08:21 AM
01-20-2010 01:19 PM
doc.properties["my:prop1"] = "new constant value";
doc.properties["my:prop2"] = "new other constant value"';
/* more stuff */
doc.save(); /* to save the properties just set */
This will perform the change to the metadata.02-04-2010 04:47 PM
02-05-2010 11:01 AM
var parent = space.name
document.properties["cm:author"]= (parent);
document.save(); /* to save the properties just set */
hope this helps someone else…
04-08-2010 01:09 PM
04-08-2010 02:02 PM
This is a big weak spot in Alfresco for us. We need it to be easy for a user (not a programmer) to be able to say, for all files in this entire space/folder set this property to this value. That is, doing mass update without needing to know how to write a script. Is there any way that this can be done?
04-08-2010 02:10 PM
<action id="export_pictures">
<permission allow="true">Write</permission>
<label>Exporter vers la photothèque</label>
<tooltip>Runs the specified JavaScript</tooltip>
<script>/Company Home/Data Dictionary/Scripts/export.js</script>
<param name="id">#{actionContext.id}</param>
<param name="noderef">#{actionContext.nodeRef}</param>
<action-group id="browse_actions_menu">
<action idref="export_pictures" />
<action id="deletealbum">
<label>Supprimer un album</label>
<param name="id">#{actionContext.id}</param>
<param name="noderef">#{actionContext.nodeRef}</param>
<onclick>window.open('/wcservice/albums/deletealbum'); return false;</onclick>
<action-group id="browse_actions_menu">
<action idref="deletealbum" />
04-12-2010 03:00 PM
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