I'm talking about http://<server>:8080/alfresco/ area.
User-a want to invite other users to User-a's space as follows. When User-b and User-c are assigned to "Space-a-2", users can get e-mail notification. However my issue is how User-b and User-c access this space. Where is notification or link appear?
User Homes ——-| ——-| ——-|——User Home for User-a(This is the private space of User -a and no other can even read this space.) ——-|———|——Space-a-1(Private Space, no other can even read this space.) ——-|———|——Space-a-2 (User-b & User-c are Consumers) ——-| ——-| ——-| ——-|——User Home for User-b ——-| ——-| ——-| ——-| ——-|——User Home for User-c ——-| ——-| ——-| ——-| ——-|——User Home for User-d
When User-a initiates by using "Advanced Work-flow", relevant assigned users can view job in "My Tasks To Do" area.
Any similar thing here or not or is this not allowed or any idea????
I have the same problem with the same version of alfresco. But I have this problem, when I invite users in subfoldres outside the user homefolder and the folder to share is contained in folder that have inerithance = false. ex. company home\folderA\folderB "FolderA" have Inherit Parent Space Permissions = false In "folderB" I invite user, but the user invited can't see the "folderB" in explorer.