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Manage deleted items - Out of memory

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi all,
I'm using alfresco 3.0 and I'm getting out of memory Exception when I try to delete many items using Manage deleted items from the profile of the administrator user.

I have 7.37GB of items to delete, I never checked it, and I want to clean this garbage. I succesfully deleted the items of the last 7 days, about 20 documents, but if I delete more than 20 documents I get that error.

Does anybody have any idea?
Is there any other way to clean deleted items? For example Web service or through some code inside alfresco?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I succesfully clean deleted items during the week end, when we have less traffic on the portal.

I don't know why, but it seems me that clean deleted items is an operation that consume a lot of memory like Full Reindex.

I'm trying to build a scheduled job to clean deleted items, anybody has already developed it?

I deleted all items, but in the contentstore.deleted there is about 4.9 GB of items in it, is it correct?
Do I have to wait som ejob that purge them?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Probably best to grab the sources and make sure it is up to date.